chapter 40: training my powers

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Anisa pov:


"Oh come on!" I yelled in annoyance. It's been a month since I've gotten my power and I've been training everyday. Right now I'm training my knife throwing, even if I hit the target I have to do it again. I've been doing this for 2 hours!

"Again" Jacob simple said, while he crossed his arms. Focusing on the target I threw the knife, I hit in right in the middle. Looking at jacob with a proud smile, I was waiting for my praising

"Again" That fucker! I've noticed that I'm a fast learner, I was able to defeat fake fighters withing 2 weeks of learning how to fight with a sword. I was a pro in knife throwing after a week. My body is also super flexible, and I've been able to things I've never been able to do before. Like a fucking backflip! How cool is that!?

Looking at Jacob with a scowl I threw the knife again, this time not looking. Again it hit right in the middle.

"Happy?" I sneered

"Very" He smiled. "You can take a break" Finally! grabbing my bottle of water I downed it in a second. The guys have been training me with fighting skills, I still don't know how to use my quirks. my search for my protection pets has not been successful.

"Jacob I have a question"

"And that is?"

"How is it that I'm so fast in all this shit? shouldn't it take longer for me to learn?" I asked him. Like this is not possible

"You're a clan leader, you are naturally stronger, faster, and can fight better. for a normal demon knife throwing would take about 5 months to perfect. A clan leader can perfect this withing 2 weeks" he explained, casually throwing a knife in the middle of the target

"Cool. When am I gonna learn how to use my quirks?" I asked him, stealing his bottle of water. It's not like he would need it.

"in 2 days, we gotta perfect your bow and arrow skills first" I didn't mind that. I love using the bow and arrow, makes me feel like Katniss Everdeen. living my hunger games fantasy. "come on, again" He suddenly said. What?! I only had a break for about 2 minutes! way to short!

Standing up, I grabbed one of the knifes. Flipping it a few times in the air, I threw it towards the target. I hid right in the middle again. fuck I'm good. Jacob was smiling proudly at me, as he threw me another knife. catching it midair, I threw it at the target.

The guys have been acting nicer this month. They barely punish me, or touch me. They've been more caring, and they are back to their happy persona. The persona I missed. I missed the way the guys were, they completely changed when we got back to hell. Now they are back to making jokes, cuddles and over all being nice again. I like this better, it makes my stay here easier.

"Jacob, I have another question"

"What is it?"

"I know you guys told me no, multiple times. But I really wanna see my family and friends, I haven't even been able to contact them and I miss them. I wanna know if my mom is okay. So can I please go? I promise I won't try to run away" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry anisa, but no"

"b-but... never mind." I sighed in defeat. No point in arguing, he isn't gonna change his mind. throwing the knife I was holding in my hand, I stomped out of the training area.

"Anisa come back!" But I didn't listen. I slammed the door closed, not in the mood for another preach about not being able to go see my family. I just wanna know if they are okay, to tell them I'm okay. Tears filled my eyes as a sob broke out. Running through the hallway, I ran towards the garden.

Slimming the door open, I ran into the garden towards the pond. Finally arriving, I sat down on the ground. I let the tears come down, as I clenched my fist. Don't they trust me enough? I just wanna go back for one day, ONE DAY! I'm not asking for so much. I just miss my family and friends.

Hearing the splashing of water, I saw the familiar otter staring at me. Seeing me cry, he quickly swam towards me nuzzling his snout against me.

"I-I'm sorry, I just miss my family" I sobbed

"It's okay master, you'll see them soon"


"What the fuck! Who said that!?" I yelled, looking all around me. I held a fighting pose, looking for anything suspicious.

"It's just me!" Where is this voice coming from!? Is this garden haunted!? Oh fuck no. "Look down!" Looking down I saw the otter smiling at me. Could it be?

"Did you just talk?"

"Yup" He jumped up happily.

"How... omg are you my protection pet!?"

"Yes! yes I am! I'm so happy master, I finally found you! I knew it from the first day, but now I'm sure!" The otter jumped around me happily. I finally found one of my protection pets!

"What's your name?" I asked, as I crouched down.

"My name if otto master, your loyal pet" He bowed in front of me.

"Hi otto, I'm anisa" I smiled at him. He jumped on top of me, nuzzling his snout on my face. "Otto, do you know where the others are?" I asked him.

"Uhm? Oh I do! only two though. I lost the rest, we used to stay together but we got separated after a fight." he told me. Fight? what fight?

"So where are they?"

"Oh pugsley and bruiser are in the garden, come on I'll bring you" He squealed as he pulled me against my pants. Otto brought me furthur into the garden, to places I haven't been yet. We were just a bit away from the maze, and trees lined up here. It looked like a forest, just the way the trees were lined up.

"They are here?" I asked him

"Yup, we always hang out here. They should be here today. We were playing before but then I heard you crying so I left" he explained. He brought me to this huge willow tree that was surrounded by a small pool of water.

"Pugsley! bruiser! I'm back" Otto yelled, as he ran towards the tree. A little pug and raccoon came running from under the tree, running up to otto. Omg they are so cute! both of them looked at me in fear, as pugsley walked back.

"Otto who is this?" The pug asked in fear

"You'll never guess! It's our master!"

"Master? you mean-"

"Yes! she's back! we finally have a water clan leader again!" The raccoon then came running towards me, sniffing my leg. After a while he snapped his gaze at me, glaring. I didn't know raccoons could glare!

"Prove it"


"" The raccoon demanded. Fuck I barely know how to use my powers. Looking at the pond I held my hand out for it. I closed my eyes as I focused all my energy on it. I could feel my powers getting stronger as I was doing my thing. Swaying my hand back and forth I could feel the water move with me, like it was part of me. This just feels right

"what are you doing?" The raccoon asked me

"Using my powers" I smirked still closing my eyes

"you sure?" Opening my eyes I saw nothing move. The water was still, not even a drop. So I was swaying my hand here like a maniac. Kill me now

"I have to powers I promise, I just don't know how to control it yet" I awkwardly smiled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well then, come back when you can" The raccoon spat at me. He took the pug, leaving me and otto behind.

"You guys! Don't leave!" Otto yelled for them. "I'm sorry anisa" Otto apologized

"Don't apologize, you can't help it. I guess it's just time to train my powers"

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