Chapter 55; Bitterballen for life

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Anisa pov;

"Tada!" I yelled as I removed my hands from hunters eyes. He took a moment to look around, before I saw his lip quivering.

"I-uhm, it's nice" he said, biting his nails. "R-really nice" he let out a sob.

"Don't cry hunter" I quickly said as I hugged him. Today I showed the werewolf their new territory. Cause they can't live underwater like the rest of my clans, I had to find a new spot. Now it's in between the naga and goblin territory. The elves offered a part of theirs but the werewolf's weren't comfortable by that,

Even though these are dark elves, the werewolf still feel uneasy being around them. Hunter said that they were tortured the most by elves. Beren luckily didn't take it to heart, and helped finding a new spot instead.

"I just can't thank you enough. My pack would be dead in a few weeks if it wasn't for you" hunter sobbed on my shoulder.

"It was the least I could do" I said, patting his back. "Now go! Go explore" I chuckled as I gently pushed him away. He quickly nodded, grabbing his brothers hand and running with his pack inside of the territory. Happy cheers were all around me, and a lot of crying. Some even shifted into their wolf form and sprinted through the woods.

The packs territory is in the middle of the woods. Here they have enough water sources and food. The goblins and nagas hunt a lot in these woods and they weren't mad that they had to share. Nagas don't need to eat as much anyway. 

Taking a deep happy sigh, I clapped my hands together. I was about to leave but a weird blue glow appeared out of my hands. What the hell is that? It grew bigger and bigger, until a huge blast shot from my hands. In blue, waved a demon that was gliding through the air.

Is this... is this My soul power!?

Holy shit it is!! It looks just like a patronus, the same as Perseus did! Holy shit I did it!

"Omg you did it!" I heard a voice from behind me yell. Looking back I saw Perseus standing there with a huge smile on his face.

"Calamari, I DID IT!" I jumped up and down in excitement. Perseus also used his soul power, and now an octopus was dancing with my demon. This is the coolest shit I've ever seen. They were both gracefully gliding through the air. I just took in the beauty.

"I'm so proud of you" Perseus said as he hugged me from behind.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was coming to see how everything is going with the werewolf, you know considering that we have a new clan. They looked happy" Perseus said.

"They really are. I'm glad I could help them. How are the mermaids?" I asked him.

"We hunted them away. We have a bigger hunting area now. We already did a huge trade with the nagas as well"

"That's good" I said. Now they won't have a food shortage anymore. "Come on, I'm craving bitterballen"

"bitter-what now?" Perseus asked me confused. Oh yeah we are in hell, they don't know the fried goodness.

"I'm not even gonna explain. It's just some fried meat" I said, pushing him with me. 


"This is delicious!" Perseus yelled as he shoved more of the fried goodness into his mouth. How he didn't burn his mouth yet beats me. Those pockets feel like lava! 

"how is it that I don't know this?" 

"I got the guys to have a freezer full of these type of snacks" I said, blowing on mine.

"I'm living here from now on" He said with his mouth full. How did he not burn his mouth!? Steam is literally coming from his mouth!

"Anyway, how is the clan? Anything that need to be changed?" I asked Perseus. 

"Uhm, we actually need more weapons" Perseus said

"Weapons like?"

"Sword, knifes, spears. we kinda have a shortage of that right now." he explained

"But I thought the dragon trainers traded with you guys, like 5 days ago or something"

"The mermaids may or may not have stolen most of it" Perseus said with an awkward smile. I swear I'm gonna make fish sticks of those mermaids. 

"I'll have a talk with Jacob" I said. "Anything else?" he shook his head no, shoving another snack into his mouth. 

"And, have you found somebody?" I asked

"What do you mean anisa?"

"Don't act stupid. Have you find a cute boy yet" I grinned. His face turned bright red, as he started fumbling with his fingers.

"I uhmn, no!" he yelled, his voice cracking.

"Omg you did! Who is it!?"

"well it's-"

"My lady! We have a problem!" jason, a maid here yelled as he ran into the room.

"What's wrong?" I asked in confusion. What could possible be the problem? I swear if it's the mermaids again, I'm gonna start a war against them

"The angels are here!"

a/n sorry for the really short chapter. Next one will be longer

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