chapter 69: What did you find?

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Anisa pov:

"well? what the fuck is this doing here?" I asked my family, holding up the feather.

"oh, Lilly found it in the garden" Grandpa said, waving it off

"I'm not stupid! I know how an angels feather looks like cause the have the same ones as me only in fucking white! And let me tell you, these don't fall off that easily" I said, slamming it down on the table

"Okay, an angel might have been here" Grandma shrugged

"For what!? What did they need!?" I was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. I need to know why an angel would go to my family. did they threaten them? I better hope not cause I will start a war then.

"Stop complaining and just sit down. Who cares if an angel came here?" Anke sneered at me. Oh so now you wanna talk to me?

"Listen here. don't know if you know but your family member is a demon. Demons and angels don't mix. As a matter of fact ,we hate each other. So I need to know why an angel would come to the family of a demon, cause I need to know if my family is in fucking danger!" I said to my aunt with a sarcastic smile. 

"quite the attitude!" My aunt yelled at me

"JUST FUCKING TELL ME ALREADY!" my anger may or may not have broken the garden faucet. Water was spraying everywhere. yeah, grandpa is not gonna like me drowning his flowers. 

" yeah, sorry about that" I coughed, pointing behind me at the drowning flowers.

"Can't we just tell her? This is getting out of hand" My other aunt said. 

"We can't he told us not to" Her husband said. he? Who the fuck could be 'he'? 

"oh screw it! an angel came here to talk about you. his name was star or something" My aunt said, much to the rest of my family's dismay. 

"Janneke!" My grandma scolded her

"what!? it's not like I agreed with what that star guy said! And you're stupid that you do, you hypocrite!"

"Hold up, star? Star was here?" My niece nodded while continuing eating her sandwich. "That motherfucker! How did he find you guys? What did he want?" I asked them, now pacing back and forth while biting my nails

"well we all got a letter saying to come her. When we all arrived this guy shows up. He told us he's star, angel of light or something." Mom now started. "when we asked him what he needed he started explaining how great being an angel is"

"Hah what a joke" I scoffed, still pacing

"he said that it would be better and safer if you would be an angel. That it would be safer for us to. he wanted us to convert you" mom finished

"And we agree with him" Grandma said

"no, you and anke do. We don't!" My amazing aunt said.

"it would be safer. Anisa you're in hell! So many monsters are in there, and we're in constant fear that one of those monsters is gonna come and kill us. If you were an angel you would be save with god" Grandma explained

"Since when are you religious? yeah you may have a cross in the house but it's not like you pray everyday, or that you go to church? So why would it be better if I were to be in the possession of god?" I asked her, crossing my arms. 

"Anisa you are putting us all in danger! It would be safer if you were an angel! Think of your family for once!" Grandma yelled at me, while slamming her hand down on the table. Everybody flinched expect me. I just glared her down

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