chapter 45: meeting my clans

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Anisa pov:

"I can't do this"

"Yes you can"

"No I can not! What if they hate me? What if they see me as a horrible leader?"

"That won't happen, they'll love you. Now come on, or we're gonna be late"

Today is the day that I'm meeting my clans. am I nervous? yes! Do I want to die? double yes. The amount of stress I have right now is not normal. I had to get another one of those calming potion cause I just wouldn't calm down. Satan thought it was cute, And wouldn't stop cooing at me. He still sees me as a human instead of a demon. So he basically treats me like a child

"Let's go" Satan said. Oh yeah, he really wanted to come as well. He's really exited to see the clans again. Satan is like an adult child

"So, max?"

"Yes anisa?" he said.

"Who are my clans? The book is still missing in the library" I whispered so that satan didn't hear me.

"Well, the water clan are the mermaids, sirens, kelpies and octopuses" Max told me


"Yeah, they are half octopus, half men. basically ursula. They don't have an official name so we just call them octopuses. pussies for short" He chuckled. I'm not gonna call my clan pussies. Walking into room, I saw a huge portal. 

"Are we gonna use this portal?" I asked the guys. They nodded as satan already went inside. going through it as well, the familiar ice cold feeling washed over my body. 

"I. officially. hate portals. It's freezing right now" I shivered. The guys just laughed, and jacob hugged me so he could use his power to warm me up. Taking this moment to check my surrounded, I saw we were in front of an ocean.

"Hell has an ocean?"

"You really need to read more books?" Jacob sighed, letting me go.

"No, you guys need to let me explore more" I argued

"She got a point son" Satan chuckled. We all stood there staring at the ocean. Is something suppose to happen? Am I suppose to do something? Cause if that's the case, I have no clue. Just when I was about to ask something, I saw in the corner of my eye something coming out of the water. 8 bodies walked towards us, all of them looking like regular people. Are these the clan leaders?

"They can change forms" Damian whispered to me after seeing my confused expression. Oh so that's why they look like regular people

They stopped a few feet from us, none of them bowing. The other clans all bowed when they saw royal family, but these guys didn't. Do they have a fast pass or something? They looked at me in confusion, before one of them snorted

"So this is the water clan leader? We had to wait centuries, for her? Don't make me laugh" He said offended. the guy that said this had white hair like aki, and had gills. He's either a mermaid or siren. Wait, are their male sirens? I guess there are cause he's standing right in front of me.

"Hi, I'm anisa" I introduced myself, bowing for them. They looked in shock by my bowing, and the white haired guy looked amused. "I know It may be weird to finally have a leader again after centuries, so I'm gonna do my best." I smiled brightly at them, while giving them a thumbs up.

"She's cute" This guy with blue hair smiled. "I'm noah, leader of the octopuses. and this is my wife, ursula" He bowed for me. Aki gave me a proud smile seeing them bow for me so I guess that's a good sign. 

"Have you found your protection pets yet?" This guy with green hair asked me.

"Only three. I'm still searching the other 4" I responded. He nodded, looking at the guy next to him. It looked like they were silently communicating. They used these weird horse like noises to communicate with each other. After a few minutes they turned to me.

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