Chapter 29: Time for some research (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"What do you mean, the fun can begin?" I asked in fear. What the hell are these guys planning? Are they planning on killing me... wait they already did. But then they revived me, but I'm still dead. It's so fucking confusing.

"Well of course. Lillith is gone for a couple of months, so now we can show you all the funs off hell" Jacob smiled at me, but like one of the creepy smiles.

"I think I'm good, I'll just stay here in this room" I shook my head no, looking down at my hands.

"Don't be weird, come on. Let's explore" Aki pulled me out of the bed. Snatching my arm back, I crawled back to the bed. Aki then grabbed my leg, pulling me towards the door.

"Let me go!"I kicked and screamed. Aki just kept on pulling, while the others were just watching. Grabbing the leg of the bed, I held on for dear life. I was basically hovering in the air, because aki kept on pulling.

"Come on anisa! don't be difficult" Aki said, starting to get annoyed. Yelling a no, I started feeling air filling the room. It was like there was a tornado in the room. My hair was going everywhere, while I couldn't keep my eyes open. Not feeling Aki's hands on my leg anymore ,I let go of the bed. Big mistake, cause I started flying in the air.

"What the fuck!" I yelled out. There was a tornado in the room, and I was fucking stuck in it. I just kept going in cirkels, Omg I think I have to throw up. also how is there a tornado in here?

"Make it stop!"

"Only if you stop being a little bitch, and just listen to me" Aki sneered, crossing his arms.

"Fine! just please stop!" The wind stopped, making me drop to the floor. Falling on the bed, I bounced off of it on the ground. Right on my fucking arm. "Motherfucker" I groaned in pain, holding my arm.

"You'll be fine, now come" Max said from the door. Standing up, I followed the guys. Much to my dismay. Walking in the hallway, I couldn't stop looking in awe. It was beautiful.

The main color of the hallway was black and red, while my door had a blue tint to it, just like my room. The hallway was decorated with paintings, huge plants, and expensive stuff like big wall clocks.

Walking further, We had to go down these huge stairs, that kinda went into a curve. we came into this big room, that looked like a main hall. Therer was a huge black fountain in the middle of it, with what looked like blood streaming out of it.

"Is that blood?" I asked in disbelief.

"Maybe" Damian grinned. He then pulled me with him to another room. This looked to be a living room, only it was the size of my fucking house! It had this huge fireplace in the middle of the room, with a tv hanging above it. How it still works with the heat, I don't know. In front of it were 5 separate black leather chairs. The walls were covered with book shelves, and paintings, and huge chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling. Again this room was pretty dark, the two colors that popped out was black and red. Looking at the windows I only saw red and darkness. I don't think I dare to look outside. 

"Come" Aidan said, snapping me from my thoughts. All the guys were sitting on one of the chairs, staring at me. Aidan held his hand out for me, but I didn't take it. There wasn't a chair left, and I'm not sitting on their lap. Cooper was laying in front of the fire place, so I decided on walking to him and to pet him. Walking past the chair Jacob was sitting on, I didn't get far cause he pulled me into his lap.

"Let me go" I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he just held me tighter.

"now now, stop squirming" He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I didn't mind sitting in their embrace before, but now it disgust me.

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