Chapter 11: drunk jacob (edit)

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Aidan pov:

Great, just great. Of course, Jacob got absolutely wasted. Which means I get to be the mom of the group. Jacob was so drunk that he barely could stand on his own. Putting one of his arms over my shoulders I start to Cary him to the car.

"I belief I can fly!!!!!!" Jacob started yelling in my ear.

"Gosh Jacob stop your giving my tinnitus!"

"I BELIEF I CAN TOUCH THE SKYYYYYYY!" He started singing louder while stretching his other arm out pretending to fly.

My brothers and anisa just started laughing there asses of. Anisa even recorded everything. She better send that to me. I'll use it as blackmail against him, no way in hell that I'm doing this again.

Jacob was still singing I belief I can fly when we passed a cafe full of people. Again telling Jacob to stop he slowly turned his head to look at me, basically glaring at me.

After a minute of staring at me directly in my eyes, he turned back looking at the people at the cafe. Clearing his throat he started singing louder then before.



"AIDAN HOLD ME LIKE JUNGKOOK IN THAT VIDEO!" He said while trying to jump on my fucking arms.

"NAREUL BUDEUREOPGE JUGYEOJWOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I stopped him from jumping and covered his mouth with my hand.

This made everybody at the cafe stare at us making me walk faster. Fuxk I'm embarrassed. Finally arriving at the car, anisa opened the door so I could put Jacob in the back. The second Jacobs head hit the couch he fell asleep. Getting in myself, I start to drive. Anisa decided to sit in the passenger seat next to me to keep me company seeing that all my brothers fell asleep.

"Well that was a night for sure" anisa laughed.

"You can say that" I laughed back. "But did you enjoy the night"

"I really did, you guys are fun to be around" she said while changing the music. Looking at the song she picked it was one of Max's songs, 'invincible' by skillet to be more specific. So she likes rock hu.

"So you like rock hu?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, I always listen to metal, rock, punk You know Those genres." She said with a smile. "And you? What do you listen to?"

"I'm more of an classical music kind of dude"

"Okay how much more of an stereotype ravenclaw can you be" she said while laughing.

"Hey I love PLANTS that's a huffelpuff thing you know" I said with a huff.

"I know, just teasing nerd alert" Again with the nickname I mentally facepalm.

Finally arriving at anisa her house, we Saïd our goodbyes. Before she could close the door I stopped her. "Hey if you want you can have a sleepover at our house tomorrow?"

"I would love to, I don't have work so that awesome!" she said while yawing. It was a long night after all.

"Great see you tomorrow get some sleep, you look tired"

"I will, I'll text you tomorrow for more details" she said while closing the door.

"Bye anisa, sleep well" I waited until she was inside. When she went inside I started driving back home.

While driving I was thinking back at the night. Anisa has already left a positive mark on aki and Damian. I can already tell they want to claim her as their queen. Jacob is liking her as well, but not in the 'I want you as a queen' kind of way. Max was also warming up to anisa when she helped him translate everything.

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