Chapter 36: Here comes the bride (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"What? Marry you, today?" I asked Aidan in shock. He just chuckled, as he turned back to me.

"Look at her, completely in shock. Darling, did you forget we were gonna get married today?" He said, the whole crowd awing and laughing. What is this guy talking about? I didn't know we were gonna get married. I don't wanna marry them, I'll never get out of here then.

"I uhm... I guess?" I said. "I don't want this" I whispered in a panic. It became harder to breathe as I clung to aidan. this can't be happening. It is one thing to be stuck here, but now I have to marry them!?

"Let the ceremony start" Jacob announced, the whole crowd cheering. benches appeared in the room, everybody sitting on it. An evil like priest walked up to us, with a knife in his hand. music started playing, while kids walked through the hall throwing black rose petals in the air. the evil priest started talking in a language in didn't understand, everybody listening closely. 

"I don't want this, you can't do this!" I said, tears building in my eyes. just as I was about to walk away, max pulled me back pushing me close to him.

"Don't make a scene babe. You wouldn't like what would happen if you did" He whispered in my ear.

After a while of the priest talking, He handed the knife to aki. Aki cut his palm, letting the blood drop into the goblet. So that's what the goblet is for. Fuck! Is that gonna bind us?! I need to get out of here! One by one the guys sliced their palms, letting the blood fall into the goblet. It was now my turn. Taking the knife with a shaky hand, I stared at it in fear. The blood of the guys was still on it, running down the blade.

"My queen, just slice your palm" The priest whispered to me. I could only shake my head no, as my hand started shaking harder. The knife was then taking away from me, as max took it.

"Humans, so afraid of knifes. Here darling, let me help. It'll only hurt for a bit" Max cooed me. The crowd awed, and I almost felt comfortable by the way he 'tried' to calm me. Emphasize on 'almost'. Max gently took my hand, pressing the knife on it. I didn't had time to react, cause he ran the knife down my palm, making a big cut. I let out a cry, as max already held my hand over the goblet. I tried to stop the blood from flowing in, but max just pried my hand open. 

The priest started talking in that weird language again, doing stuff with the goblet. I held my hand in pain, trying to not let the blood drip on the dress. Fuck this burns! why did he had to make such a big cut!? Aidan grabbed my hand, using his plants to heal the cut. 

"Aidan please, I don't want this" I pleaded with him. He just ignored me, as he turned back to the crowd. The priest then handed the goblet to the guys, one by one they took a sip. Then it was my turn again. I almost gagged seeing the blood. Just the way the dark thick liquid was sitting in that cup made me nauseous. Everybody was staring at me, ushering me to take a sip. Looking at the guys, they gave me glares, daring me to try something stupid. 

I took a deep breathe, before lifting the goblet to my lips. The blood was still warm for whatever reason, and it tasted nice. The blood tasted nice! I never thought I would say that. It kinda tasted sweet, but had a salty aftertaste. I don't know how to describe it. I took a small sip, lowering the cup. But it was lifted again, making every last drop of blood go down my throat. The priest grinned at me, as he took the cup back. So he did that! He started talking again, me still not understanding it. 

Am I suppose to feel something though? Like I drank their blood, and they did a whole ritual. But is there suppose to be a change? Looking at the crowd they all looked proud at me. Why though? Cause I married their princes? are they such bad lovers cause they haven't had a queen in years? Feeling a weird tingling sensation on my wrist, I looked to see a small black mark on it. 

"You are now, husband and wife" The priest said, turning to us. The crowd cheered as they stood up. Little fairies came and dropped black rose petals on us. If this was a consensual wedding I would've loved this. Just the dress, magical creatures, a guy that cares for me, being a demon! That would be a dream. But I didn't want this, I just wanna go home. And now I never can, cause they have a fucking mark on me!

"Let's meet your people" Damian smiled at me, while holding my hand. He guided me down the stairs, through the crowd. We went to this big balcony that looked over the demon town. Millions, maybe billion of creatures stood there, cheering for us. Huge banisters with our faces on it waved in the air, as fireworks were set off. 

"yOur new queen!" Damian said, holding up my hand. The yelling became louder, as there were more flowers thrown at us. "Look good anisa, you are gonna rule these creatures" Damian whispered in my ear.

"I didn't want this" I sneered at him

"To bad, cause now you're officially ours" He grinned, licking my earlobe. He placed his hand on my lower back, pushing me back inside. I now know that the creatures inside of the castle are the rulers of the clan. So I'm stuck here now with royalty, great. We entered the huge ballroom that was now decorated for a wedding. Tables were everywhere, and now there was an extra throne added to the bunch. My throne. It was a gold plated throne, with blue velvet fabric. It was really pretty.

"Let's cut the cake" Aki cheered, as he pulled me to a table. When I tell you this cake was huge, I mean HUGE. It was like a 10 tier chocolate cake, with chocolate drizzled on it, and whipped cream decorating everything. A few strawberry's were placed on it, and at the top there was a little satan figurine. Aki went behind me, holding my hand together with his as he picked up the knife. He sliced off a piece of cake placing it on a plate. He then took the plate, staring at me. I swear aki if you are gonna slam that cake in my face I'm gonna kill you! Instead he put some cake on the fork, holding it in front of my mouth.

"Come on, I know you'll love it" He smiled. Taking the bite, I had to keep in my moans. Fuck that cake is good! Holy shit I've never had such a good cake before! I need this recipe. "It's good huh?" I could only nod as I tried to take more cake. Aki happily fed me. fuck this day honestly, but this cake is amazing.

"She really is adorable" An unfamiliar voice said from behind me. Turning around I saw this handsome guy walking over to us. He had jet black hair that was a bit slicked back, he wore a suit, but he didn't wear anything underneath his jacket. You could see his six pack that I'm sure of he oiled up. He gave me a toothy grin, showing of his fangs.

"How rude of me. I'm Asher, the king of the vampires" He bowed for me. "And you must be anisa, the new queen or well, soon to be queen" He grinned, kissing my hand. 

"Hi" i said. Did I really just say hi? Come on anisa! Embarrass yourself some more would ya!? Asher just chuckled, turning to damian.

"You picked out a cutie my king" He said to damian. Damian chuckled as well, glancing at me.

"She sure is" Damian said.

"So anisa, what is your power?" Asher asked me. 

"I don't have one yet" I said. Aki then shoved more cake into my mouth, spilling it all on my cheeks. What the fuck aki!

"You don't have one yet?... Oh yeah, you used to be a human. Damian, when is she gonna do the ritual?" He asked damian. Another ritual? I have to do another ritual? How many more rituals are there!? I'm sick and tired of them.


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