A week has gone by with Umbridge as our headmaster
More decrees, more points docked, more detentions
I've been in detention more this week than my entire time at Hogwarts
Draco was right she is targeting me, but I'm not letting her get satisfaction out of any of it
My hand is permanently scarred with the words
"Worthless creature"
Little does she know I've thought that for myself and worseSnape refuses to teach Harry any more Occlumency, apparently he slipped into Snape's mind and learned that his dad and Sirius used to aggressively bully him
I told Harry that I'm sure Snape was worse to them, but he wants to find a way to ask Sirius and my dad about it anyways"How do you expect to do that? You can't very well write to them" Hermione said
We were all sitting down for dinner
Umbridge was sitting in Dumbledore's seat next to McGonagall and Snape
Both of which seemed displeased like the rest of us"We will make a distraction" Fred and George said together
"Which would be?" Hermione said
"Don't worry your pretty head Granger" George said smirking "you wouldn't approve of it either way"
She rolled her eyes but smiled secretly
She wants to get back at Umbridge I know it"Miss.Lupin will you please see me after dinner? We are to discuss your further goals for a career, you saw the bulletin correct?" McGonagall asked me
I nodded my head
This morning on our common room bulletin there was a postage about meeting with our head of house to discuss this matterAfter she left I looked at the Slytherin table and saw Draco looking my way
I nodded my head to him and he nodded his back
We haven't talked since the day he warned me about Umbridge
He can't be seen talking to me anymore, I don't know why but it hurts none the less
I miss my best friend"Umbridge was in mine" Harry said bringing my attention back "McGonagall and her got into it when she tried telling me my goal was unrealistic for how my grades paired"
"Good thing I don't need good grades for mine"
"As if your grades aren't good" Ron said sighing "she also said mine were unrealistic, but McGonagall told me she would help me to achieve them"
Dinner ended and I met up with McGonagall in her office
Sitting in the corner was Umbridge like Harry warned"Come sit" McGonagall ushered me to the seat in front of her
I walked over and sat down, I took a cup of tea she handed over to me and waited for her to begin speaking
"First let me start off by saying I am so proud of you" she said
I smiled deeply, I almost forgot that Umbridge's hatred was in the room
"You have grown so much since first year. I remember talking to you at times and you had no idea what you wanted in your future, but I hear you have a goal now""I do" I smiled brighter "I'm going to be a dragon care taker"
Umbridge choked on her tea
"Excuse me??"McGonagall glared at her
"Charlie is a wonderful mentor for that life path, you know what classes you need to take next year?""He told me divination, potions and care of magical creatures"
"Correct" she smiled at me
"Excuse me???" Umbridge stated again "a what??"
"A dragon care taker, tamer, rider, there are a few names for it" I said sipping my tea
McGonagall smirked at me
"You can not go into something like that, that's barbaric. That's a job for boys maybe not for girls"
"Oh?" I placed my tea down and faced her "what else would a creature like me do for a living after school?" I pointed to my hand
"I would suggest for you a job working as well..." she put her quill to her cheek "ah yes you could do nothing that would be better for someone like yourself"
"Nothing?" McGonagall said agitated "what makes you think she's incapable of doing anything??"
"Have you heard of her condition?? She can't very well be trusted in a hospital like other good girls or teaching. I wouldn't even suggest she has children in the future what if they get it too??"
McGonagall stood up from her chair
All that she was saying didn't affect me, I've been a lot meaner to myself
But McGonagall didn't care for the conversation
"How dare you""I'm just speaking the truth"
"Cora" McGonagall looked back at me "maybe you should go for Headmaster of the school or better yet Minister of Magic"
I laughed
"No I'm ok with my dangerous life path""Minister of magic??" Umbridge almost choked on the words coming out "over my dead body"
"That can be arranged" I pretended to bite the air
She dropped her tea cup and I laughed with McGonagall"I think you are on the right path dear" she said to me again "if you need my help at all you know where to find me"
I nodded my head and exited the room
I heard McGonagall and Umbridge arguing as I walked away, I smiled at the thought
McGonagall doesn't like Umbridge and loves any opportunity to defy her
I love it as wellI started to leave the hallway when I heard a giant explosion
I looked around and saw Fred with George
"Hey Love go to her office if you want to talk to your dad and Sirius" he kissed my cheek "we've got the distraction part down""What is this?" I said staring at the ground
"A portable swamp, no one is going to be able to undo it. It'll last for a month" George said smirking
"Cora we're leaving the school today" Fred said smiling "it's time"
"Go out with a bang" I said smiling back
Fred pulled me into his chest and kissed me deeply"I'll see you during the summer my Love"
"See you then" I said running passed them and towards Umbridge's office
I heard yelling happening down the hall I escaped from, but I knew the twins would keep her occupied long enough for us to talk to Sirius and my dad

Death Eaters Daughter Part Two
FanfictionFollow Cora's story throughout year 5 and further through these chapters