Breakfast was quiet for my group
Harry was suspicious of me now, I could feel it in his emotions. He held so much bitterness these days
Ron was sitting beside Lavender, she liked to show affection in public something he didn't seem to mind too much. Though I noticed no warmth followed him when she was around, lust was a small feeling that I could read but I figured he would be radiating some sort of love for her
He was the warmest around Hermione...
Speaking of she kept to herself, she didn't share what I said to anyone this morning I knew she wouldn't. She was nose deep in potions book, we had class this morning
I found myself pushing my porridge around with a spoon
I wanted to glance at Draco, I wanted to see him look my way but I couldn't with Harry watching me
I figured I'd be able to tell if he did look here though, Harry was facing his table
Maybe I should sit there from now on"Hermione did you not finish your homework?" I asked seeing that she was on the same page as we were yesterday
"Of course I did" she snapped "I'm annoyed, that BOOK always out does me" she huffed
"Want to borrow it? It would be useful to learn from a potion master" Harry said dangling it in the air
She went to grab it but he pulled it back
"I'm only joking I know you'll just throw it away""You said it belonged to the Half Blood Prince?" I questioned
The first thing I said to Harry since last night"Yeah, that's all it said. Hermione you sure you haven't read that name anywhere?"
"Positive" she answered
"Cora can't we write to your dad?"
Hermione glared at him"You can write to him, feel free" i got up and stretched "I'm heading to class"
Someone else saw I was getting up, I heard footsteps chasing me
"Want to walk to class together?"
A line I used to hear all throughout the year, but not by this person
I looked to my left and saw Neville"Sure" I said unenthusiastic
I glanced quickly at Slytherin's table, Draco was staring right at us
I wanted to tell him it wasn't a big deal, I wanted him to know I would prefer his company to classes, but I couldn't say anything
I couldn't even nod in fear of what he's trying to keep me from
A look of pure hatred was aiming at Neville, Draco's emotions were filling my throat
I thought his anger was bad when Fred was around, this was the worst I'd felt from him
It felt as if someone was pouring scolding hot black coffee down my throat
I shut his emotions off before my eyes could burn any longer
I didn't realize he hated Neville that much
Was it because he was able to be near me? I knew that was an issue"Actually Neville I want to walk alone" I said moving forward without him
"No one ever truly wants to walk alone" he said racing to my side again
I rolled my eyes
"Beside Malfoy is glaring this way. I don't want him to attack you when you're alone, he looks on the verge of it"I chuckled lightly
"He wouldn't hurt me"
Neville put his arm around my shoulder, I shoved it off
I heard something slam onto a table, when I looked to where the sound was coming from I saw Draco had made a mess of his breakfast by slamming his fist into the table
Everyone was looking at him now"See he's deranged" Neville said
"Shove off" I said back
I walked passed Neville still staring at Draco, I walked passed Blaise smirking at me
He got up from his seat and started following me, I moved as quickly as I could to the dungeons
I sat down in my normal seat, the professor wasn't here yet there was at least another 5 minutes before other students would start to show upI laid my bag down and got my book out, hoping to study like Hermione was
I felt someone sit beside me, I did my best to ignore the feeling but his aura was unavoidable
"What do you want" I said to Blaise
I turned to look at him and he was smirking still"Honestly it's funny watching Draco get so worked up" he said grabbing a piece of my hair "over a whore like you"
"I don't know what you're talking about" I said with as much hatred I could manage
I didn't find myself hating a lot of people, but he was definitely one of themMore footsteps entered the room, Blaise let go of my hair and went to his seat
Hermione went to sit beside me but Neville jumped into her seat instead
"Want to partner up?" He asked"No, Hermione is my partner" he looked taken back by my answer, but got up and let her have her seat back
"He's being..."
"Annoying" I said for her "I swear if Ron or Seamus put him up to this again I'm going to hex them so hard" i clutched my wand
"I'll join you on that" she said opening her book
We studied quietly until the rest of class showed up, Neville ended up with Seamus where he usually was
Harry and Ron were typical, Draco was with CrabbeWe were being taught on how to make antidotes this class, I'm sure it would have been more helpful when we had Snape as our teacher. He was constantly threatening to poison us
I went to collect our ingredients, I saw Draco was already there
My heart was racing, I couldn't help my body's reaction when he was close
If anyone else could read emotions I would be in trouble, I know I'm radiating pure sunlight
Draco was too, he knew I was walking his way
He didn't even need to look at me to feel warmI grabbed a few small ingredients, I saw bezoar and had half a mind to grab that instead of bothering with a potion. That ingredient would nullify any poison, but I knew that this wasn't an ingredient class it was a potions
Draco went to grab something above me, his arm grazed my head almost like he wanted to touch my dark hair, he always loved my hair
"If Neville wants to live to see Christmas he's going to have to start leaving you alone" he whisperedI smiled
"I'll tell him off""No I will" he said back
"Will you?" I asked hopeful
I didn't want Neville to get hurt, I just wanted him off my caseHe sighed, letting out his hot bitter emotion
He went to speak more, but Blaise walked to my other side
"Funny meeting you two here"Draco was silent, I saw his free hand flexing
I looked at Blaise, Draco and him towered over me
"Hey Blaise" I said softly
Draco tensed beside me"Yes?" Blaise's smile was forced
"Can you fuck off?" I said loudly
Draco smirked this time, but he didn't let it sit on his face long enough for anyone else to notice
"So brave" Blaise said grabbing a piece of my hair like he did before class started
Draco shoved him off, I don't think he meant to bring attention to us but the old Draco showed up. The one who wouldn't let anyone touch me
He went up to Blaise's face and started saying things in a whisper, bitter coffee was filling my throat again so I closed my mind off to them
Blaise shoved Draco into me, knocking me into Pansy who shoved me forward"Watch it whore" she spit out
"Pansy shut the fuck up" I said facing her
I heard the Professor trying to get class' attention back, but we had all eyes on us
Blaise versus Draco
Pansy versus Me
My back was in line with Draco, both of us readying to hex our opponentsThe Professor walked over to us
"Uhm" he said "it's time to sit down"
Pansy glared at me but walked away from our fight
I stayed, making me just as bad but I was facing Blaise now with Draco
In this moment things felt normal for us, he was publicly defending me
But I knew it couldn't last, I saw Harry get out of his chair
I knew he was going to make things worse so I walked back to my seat with my ingredients for our potion
Hermione squeezed my leg under the desk and gave me a sympathetic smile
Blaise left before Draco, he refused to back down
He looked my way, I just wanted to hold him
He was so tiredDraco went to his desk and sat quietly for the rest of class
Harry won the potion contest, he did exactly as I was going to do
Show bezoar instead of make the potion
Professor Slughorn laughed hysterically and said he was impressed with his knowledge
For once I knew how Hermione had been feeling all year

Death Eaters Daughter Part Two
Hayran KurguFollow Cora's story throughout year 5 and further through these chapters