"Did you all see this?" Hermione asked during breakfast the following dayI got out of my seat and peered over the table to see that she was reading the daily prophet
"Not that trash again" Ron said
"Umbridge has been named the High Inquisitor for Hogwarts" she said
"English?" Ron asked
She rolled her eyes
"It means the ministry has an uneasy level of control now...she's one step closer to taking charge of the school completely""Not with Dumbledore here still" Harry said
We all looked to where the teachers were sitting
Dumbledore was in the middle per usual beside McGonagall and Snape
Umbridge looked smug as alwaysFred and George bewitched her photo to look like a toad
We all laughed
"Fits her better" Fred saidPotions was our first class
I hadn't been able to talk to Draco alone about his emotions yesterday turning bitter, if there is something I can fix I want to
I know he doesn't like Fred though, he might not change his opinion even if I tried
But if it's something else I want to be there for himI entered the class and saw the seat I usually took beside him was occupied by Goyle
My face instantly dropped but I waved to him anyways
He kind of waved back, he had little enthusiasm in his gestureI continued walking and sat beside Hermione, where Neville usually sits
Neville looked around awkwardly and sat beside Seamus, which caused Dean to have to sit beside someone new as well
"Really screwing up seating aren't you?" Ron asked turning around, he was seated beside Harry"Yeah I suppose" I said looking from him to Draco who looked straight at the Professor's desk
Snape walked into the classroom, but he was followed by Umbridge and her clipboard
She sat down at a chair near his desk, Snape rolled his eyes at her unpacking a bright colored quill
"I hope you all studied your mistakes last class" he glared at Neville who shrunk into his seat "and realize that Granger can't help you during every exam"Umbridge coughed
Snape ignored her and continued lecturing the class about how poorly most did on the last potion craftingShe coughed again
This time he turned around and stared at her
"Yes?""If the students are failing, should the curriculum be hmmm easier? A few grade levels lower?" She suggested
"This isn't a class for babying the students. They will learn at the level they are suppose to. Now if you don't mind I would like to start today's lesson. Keep opinions to yourself until the end" he snapped
She began writing things down on her clipboard
I looked to Hermione and she had a worried look on her face
"This is what I meant...she's going to try to take charge of classes"The last class of the day went the same way
Divination went the worst, Umbridge sat in the corner demanding Trelawney to make a prediction for her"They just come to her, you can't expect her to just make one up" I said standing up
Umbridge glared at me
"Would you like to serve detention tonight?"I sat back down, defeated
I didn't want her to win, but I didn't want her to have satisfaction of another detention scarring me"Just a tiny prediction" she said
Trelawney looked at her crystal globe and tried reading it
"Uh"I could tell nothing was coming to her, the class could all tell
Umbridge began writing down something
"No wait...I see doom in your future. Something to do with a forest..."Umbridge smirked
"Noted"She began walking out of the classroom, leaving Trelawney a nervous wreck
"Did I do good?" She asked me when I went to hand in my assignment
"I think you did" I said
But I read her emotions, everything on me became itchy
I started to itch my neck and itched it so much that I felt blood begin to crust on my finger nails
I felt someone take my hand off my neck, when I looked it was Draco
He had my bag in his hand as well"Walk with me?" He asked
I nodded my head and waved my friends off before leaving the classroom with Draco
We walked in uncomfortable silence until we walked to the center court yard
Students surrounded the area with books and homework
"Let's find a different spot" he suggested
The first words he's said since class"Ok, the lake?"
We walked to the black lake, that was covered in students as well
It was too nice of a day, most places outdoors would be coveredDraco looked annoyed, his emotions explained that as well
"We could always go to the astronomy tower" I suggested
"That's the last place I figured you'd want to go" he said
"I don't want to hide from that area forever...I feel like if I go there with people I love it'll be different"
I felt a tinge of warmth, but mostly metallic coming from himI put my hand out for him, but he hesitated before taking it softly
My heart hurt when he didn't hold my hand right away, but I tried to let my feelings go
He might just be in a bad mood...maybe it's his familyWe started walking up the spiral stairs, I felt his hand tighten around my own
His once soft grip held onto me tightly now"You're with me, you're safe" he said helping me up the stairs to the top of the room
It glistened in the sunlight, the room was magnificent to look at
Until I felt my heart pounding when I looked at a spot on the floor near the window
I don't remember anything from that night, but my body is reacting like I do
"I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Draco said
He pulled me close to his body and kissed the top of my head before he lead us to the window where a ledge sat perfectly for students to sit on
Draco went out the window first, I went with him after he put his hand out to help me out"Draco what's wrong?" I asked after we sat down
"Instead of talking about it, can we just sit together?" He asked
"Would you tell me if it was important?" I asked
I felt like he lied, if he didn't I would have felt different emotions from him not metallic
I curled into his side, he placed his arm around my shoulder and held me close as we watched the blue sky turning into twilight

Death Eaters Daughter Part Two
Fiksi PenggemarFollow Cora's story throughout year 5 and further through these chapters