Two Hundred Thirty Seven

28 0 2

Draco's POV

I felt someone tapping my shoulder
I got up in a panic and saw Granger staring at me curiously
"You might want to sneak out now...Madame Pomfrey was going to check Cora but I told her she was still sleeping"

I didn't mean to stay the night
I meant to stay until she fell asleep, but in all honesty that was the best sleep I've had
I can't remember the last time I fell asleep so peacefully
I nodded my head in gratitude towards her and got out of bed softly, Cora was still sleeping I didn't want her waking
"What time is it?"

"6am" she said crossing one leg over the other,

"Why are you here so early?"

"I'm an early riser and Madame Pomfrey doesn't mind my presence. I've been the one to be with Cora every time she's been injured"

"Thank you for that"

She nodded her head
"You love her like I do"


"Are you going to ask her out?"

I looked down at Cora, she slept so sweetly
I kissed the top of her head and tucked the blankets around her cold body again

"Why?" Granger had a look of annoyance "are you leading her on?"


"So then why?"

"It's complicated. I have to go" i opened the curtain to be sure no one was close by and then I made my escape
I heard footsteps follow me, when I turned I saw Granger walking up behind me

"Hurt my best friend and that'll be the last thing you do" she said in her best threatening voice

"That's the last thing I plan to do" I opened the door and began walking back to the room of requirements
I need to finish this
The longer it takes the more danger Cora is in

When I arrived by the room I saw Crabbe and Goyle were already waiting
They nodded their heads at me and I walked passed them to the now open door
Walking into this felt like walking into my shitty destiny
All I wanted was to be normal, to ask Cora out to be her boyfriend, to worry about school and what I wanted to do after I graduate
I wasn't given that luxury
I was given an impossible task of figuring out this stupid cabinet
I walked up and kicked it hard, the door swung open and I saw an apple I left there last time
I picked the apple up and took a bite out of it, then I placed it back down and closed the door
I said the spell that haunts my nightmares, and waited

While I waited I looked around the room
I looked at the couch that Cora and I had sex on, watching her under me moaning as I slide deep inside...I shook that memory out of my head before it ruined me
I saw the mess I created that day she was hurt, I've been so stressed i let her see my raw emotions
I want to be her rock and I can't if I lose myself

I waited a few moments more and then opened the cabinet
The apple was almost gone, only the core remained
The apple made it through to the other cabinet...

"I figured it out..."
I used my wand to turn a cup near me into a bird
I placed the bird into the cabinet, said the spell and waited again
This time the bird was still there when I opened the doors

The day went on, Cora wasn't at our first class which was potions
I knew she was being released at some point but I wasn't sure when
I saw her friends sitting though, Granger looked at me but I looked away
Potter wasn't in class
He better be visiting Cora, actually I hope he stays far away from her
Well...she is close with him so maybe not
I hate him either way

Death Eaters Daughter Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now