One Hundred Seventy Four

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I got out of bed and went to run for Draco but I fell onto the ground instead
My bones weren't healed, I wasn't ready to be moving around
Hermione ran over to me and helped me backup
  "I need to go see him" I said begging her

  "Leave him be for now" she said moving me to my bed

  "Hermione I'm in love with him too" I said panicked "I'm in love with both of them I don't—I don't know what to do" I put my hand on my heart and felt it racing
  "I think I'm having an anxiety attack" I said through my pained breaths
My vision started to get darker
It became harder to breath

Until it didn't
Everything felt calming
When I looked around the blurry room I saw Madame Pomfrey with her wand
  "Sleep deary" she said to me

And I did
She placed a spell on me to make me pass out until the next morning

My bones were healed, but my heart was broken still
Hermione stayed with me during the night, she slept by my side
"Hermione" I said waking her up "what do I do?"

"Who do you love more?" She asked me as she turned to face me

"I don't love either of them more...I love them equally and I can't see myself without either in my life"

She didn't say anything

"But if I chose one...the other won't stay around I—I just know it"

"I don't know what to tell you, I wish I did"

I let a few silent tears fall from my face and into my lap
"I love both of them"

"I know" she held me as I closed my eyes and went back to sleep again

Hours went by, I could hear arguing happening that was the only reason I woke up

  "She told me a day, I think it's fair to be here now" Fred said

  "She isn't ready to see anyone" Hermione said "get out before I call Madame Pomfrey"

I let Hermione kick Fred out, because she was right I wasn't ready to see him
I wasn't sure if I loved him more than Draco
Who am I willing to love and who am I willing to lose

Another day went by, Harry and Ron visited me today but neither of the other two tried
Draco hasn't since he confessed himself to me

  "Hagrid is back, do you want to go see him with us?" Harry asked me

"I do" I said getting out of bed
I didn't want to see Fred or Draco yet,
I hope I don't run into them on the way

And I didn't
We made it to his hut before we could run into any other students, mostly those two

Hagrid was beaten up, his face was purple from bruises and his arm was bleeding
"Hagrid what happened?" Hermione asked

He told us about his journey for Dumbledore, how he was sent to go see Giants and make peace with them on his end
But they didn't want peace, they made their choice on who's side they wanted to fight for

"So that's it they won't fight against you know who?" Ron asked

"Hopefully they change their minds" Hagrid said

"Hagrid I saw my dragon over the summer" I showed him my dragon scale necklace, with Kai's as well

Hagrid looked at my necklace and chuckled
"I always knew you had it in you, well after that first challenge I did at least. That dragon loves you, how come she isn't here?"

I raised my eyebrows
"Because she's huge? I don't know how I can go to classes with a large scaled creature"

"There is a reason the ministry chose those dragons, they can make them smaller. Charlie didn't tell you that?" He said

"He didn't...why wouldn't he? I would have loved having her here with me"

"Not sure, you'll have to letter him about it. I would love to take care of her whenever you need too. Truly I loved having Norbert around, I would love another dragon to care for"

"Thank you Hagrid" I said smiling

"You all need to leave now" he said looking out the window

We looked in that direction and saw Umbridge walking over with her clipboard
"Fuck" I said

"It's passed curfew you'll get into trouble, you have the cloak right Harry?" He asked

Harry took out his cloak and wrapped it around us before we all escaped out the back door
We waited under his window to ease drop on their conversation

"Where have you been off to?" She asked

"I needed fresh air" Hagrid said

I smacked my forehead
"He's so bad at lying" I whispered

"I'm sure fresh air is hard to get around here...I suppose you'll be taking over classes again?"

"I will" he said proudly

"Good...I will be inspecting tomorrow" she walked out of his door and walked back towards the castle

Harry Ron Hermione and I continued walking under his cloak, back to the common room

I saw Draco on the way, he was going back to his dorm rooms with Crabbe and Goyle it seemed

"Just go talk to her" Goyle said "you're miserable"

"Shut the hell up" Draco said back

"Show her why she needs to be with you" Crabbe said

"I'm not pressuring her into choosing"

"What are you going to do if she doesn't choose you?" Goyle asked

I didn't realize that my friends kept moving without me
The cloak came off of me, exposing me to his group

"Uh" Crabbe said pointing towards me

Draco turned and looked at me
I felt a rush of emotions pile into my mind
But mostly warmth
The cold feeling I had when I last saw him was gone, he was back to feeling warm

"Shit" I heard Hermione whisper

Draco didn't say anything
Neither did I
We just looked at each other

"Get to your dorm rooms now" Snape yelled down the hallway

Draco didn't move
Neither did I

"Want detention?" Snape said to us

I knew my friends were close by still, I could feel them near me but Goyle and Crabbe already began walking back

"Cora—" Snape grabbed Draco and began pulling him towards the dungeons

I didn't say anything as I saw him get dragged away
Seeing him didn't help anything
It made it harder

Death Eaters Daughter Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now