One Hundred Eighty One

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"What the hell is your issue?!" I yelled entering the common room

Fred was sitting beside George and Lee
Hermione was in the room with Ron as well

"I'm sorry" he said getting up from the couch "I don't know why I acted that way"

"I don't know why you did either. You were being so toxic!" I yelled "Draco won't even talk to me now"

"He'll come around" he said coming closer to me

I put my hand in front of myself, stopping his advances
"Don't come close to me. My best friend said to give him space, he has NEVER asked me for that. He never shuts me out, he did today. Are you happy?? This is what you wanted. You want Draco out of my life, well good for you he's not talking to me now"

Hermione got off her chair and walked over to me
I let her put her hand on my own and pull it back down

"I'll talk to him" Fred said

I laughed
"You think talking to him will help? Fred he hates you, and for the way you acted today I can't blame him. You were an ass"

"I know"

"The worst version of yourself"

"I know"

"Is that all you have to say is i know??"

"Cora, let's not ruin the good day we had"
George smacked his forehead with his hand

"Like it's not already ruined by your territorial personality??"

"I can't help it. He loves you, it makes me uncomfortable"

"Leave me alone for the rest of the day" I said grabbing Hermione's hand and pulling her upstairs

I slammed the door shut behind us and ran for her
She pulled me into her chest and let me cry until I could speak again
"Hermione what if Draco doesn't speak to-to me again?"

"I've never known him to not, he'll talk to you again. He can't stay away"

"Fred's such an ass"

"Agreed. He came into the common room and tried asking for advice I told him he's an ass"

"I just want them to get along"

"I know" she said

We spent the rest of the night together, not speaking just laying down with one another

The next morning came and during breakfast a daily prophet paper landed in front of Hermione
I made Fred sit further down the table, I still wasn't ready to talk to him, so Hermione and Harry sat beside me
I didn't have the courage enough to look and see if Draco was looking at me like he usually did

"Oh no" Hermione said passing me the paper

I scanned it quickly and then gasped

"What??" Harry said reaching for the paper

"10 former death eaters escaped Azkaban last night...including Bellatrix Lestrange" I said looking at Neville who crushed his toast in his hand

"That's why he was so happy..." Harry said

"Who?" I asked

Harry whispered into my ear
"My scar was hurting last night but the feeling I received from it was happy not mad...well this is why"

I gulped
"This is bad"

"That wizard who was in the same room as my dad, Bode was his name, was strangled in his hospital room...that could have been my dad" Ron said nervously after reading the paper

"He worked in the ministry, I've heard of his name before" I said "the department of Mysteries if I remember correctly"

"We should ask around and see what the Professor's think" Ron said

"Can't" Hermione added "Umbridge made a new decree, Professor's aren't allowed to discuss anything with us that isn't their study"

"What the fuck"

"Yup" she said back "it's not safe to send letters back home about it either. We'll just have to figure out what we can here"

I looked behind my table now, feeling brave enough to see if Draco was looking my way
He wasn't
He was looking down at his breakfast, slowly pushing his food around his plate
I got up from my seat
"I'll be back"

I walked over to his table

He didn't lift his head

"Can we talk?"

He didn't say anything
I could tell by the expressions of Crabbe and Goyle they were as shocked as I was that he wasn't speaking back to me
I felt my heart sting
"Well...I love you I'll see you in class ok?"

He didn't say anything back
He didn't even watch me leave, he just kept his head down

Classes with him went as poorly as this morning
I paired up with him like I usually did, but he didn't speak to me the entire time
Pansy got a laugh out of it, I noticed whenever I tried speaking to him she chuckled
"Desperate?" She snickered

I want to beat her face in so badly
But I refrained from it

"Don't be jealous Draco fucked me and not you" she said in passing while I was getting ingredients in potions

I placed down the ingredient I was holding
"What did you say?"

"I said Draco fucked me last night, jealous?"

I turned to look at him and he was watching us now
The first time he's looked at me since yesterday
I felt my blood boiling
I can't be jealous
I'm not in a relationship with Draco, I am with Fred
Is this how Draco felt...?

I picked up the ingredient again and started walking back towards my table

"Nothing??" She wanted to egg me on so desperately

I turned to look at her
"Nothing" I said

She smirked
"I told him he should be happy he's not fucking you, I'm not used like you are. He was my first"

I crushed the ingredient I held and walked up to her face
I was about to punch her, I could feel my hand tightening up and readying for it
"He might have fucked you, but you were never his first choice remember that"
I put my hand back down and walked towards Draco

I sat down without saying anything
He didn't say anything either, he didn't have to
His emotions laid everything out for me
He was just so damn sad now

Death Eaters Daughter Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now