Two Hundred Sixty Four

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I stayed laying beside Hermione for most of the meeting
Moody made sure to take this opportunity to remind us to stay guarded
I agreed with him, making Charlie chuckle
He went up to me and ruffed my hair up
"Little Moody"
Moody and I scoffed at the same time, only further proving Charlie's point

Fred kept next to his twin, he looked at me a lot while I was laying with Hermione on another chair. We were laying intertwined.
I didn't know what to do about him. I could tell him the truth and say how I'm in love with a death eater still, or I could keep putting him off. It seems easier with the second option, he would make a big deal about Draco and I don't want to ruin the wedding

"Want to be my date for the wedding?" He asked me. As if he could read thoughts
Again in front of everyone we work with
It seemed he had this idea that if he asked me around other people I wouldn't say no. I thought I proved that wrong already

No one was going to save me, I couldn't say I was going with Hermione Ron or Harry
They all had dates, I didn't
I opened my mouth to answer but Charlie spoke over me
"She's going with me sorry mate"

The whole room looked at him, he was standing by the fireplace leaning against the brick wall

"With you??" Fred's ears turned red

"I asked her because we are partnered up for missions. If something went wrong, we need to escape together"

"That's the reason" he scoffed out

"I'm not fucking your exgirlfriend"
My dad dropped his tea on his lap, he tried to pretend that he didn't make a mess but I saw his leg get soaked with chamomile
"And what if I was? She's single, she's her own person"

It seemed the fire whiskey was talking, Charlie doesn't usually jump into Fred and my issues

"We have history, she's mine"

"Shes nobody's"

"Ask her dad, who does she belong with??"

Everyone looked at my dad who was just done recovering from his spilled tea

I chuckled

"What my sons arent good enough for your daughter??" Molly said stepping into the living space

"My daughter chooses her life not me. Your sons are wonderful I'm sure, but I am not going to pick someone to marry her off to. Honestly right now the one who is trying to claim her would be my last choice if that were the case" he sent a glare to Fred

Fred got off the floor
"Charlie can we have a minute outside"

"Bring it on"

Molly tried stopping her sons from leaving but they both pushed passed her

"What's their issue?" Ron asked

"Fred's being as bad as Neville was in school" Hermione added

I glared at Ron
"I didn't do anything this time" he said with his hands up

"Thanks dad" I used my wand to refill his cup

"If I had to pick, I would chose Hermione but she's taken already" he smiled softly at how the two of us were entangled into each other

I blushed hard, I looked at my best friend and she did too
"The good ones usually are" I sighed laying further into our chair
She scooted closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder

Later that night the four of us met in Ron's old room
His room was messy, clothes scattered around his room and his quidditch merchandise no longer littered the walls
The last time he was here he was panic packing before he left with Hermione for her parents home. Neither her mum or dad were there. It was safer for them to be away
She took her parent's memory, making them forget she even existed. They're somewhere in Australia last she mentioned them, she tried to keep track but with needing to be in hiding it was impossible

"Been a while hasn't it?" Ron asked sitting in front of Hermione
She played in his hair, he stretched his head back to look at her

"Suppose it has" Harry said sitting beside me

"Back when our biggest issue was studies" Hermione said

"That was your biggest issue maybe" Ron added
She smacked his head
I laughed

"Cora, what really happened?" Hermione asked me
They all gave me a knowing look, one that said they knew I was hiding something

"I was captured by Blaise when he came for what we originally thought was Norbert. I found out he had been spying on us for some time, waiting until the perfect moment to steal me and my dragon. Cor died" I felt my dragon stone go cold, i clutched it

"I'm so sorry" Hermione said giving me her hand
I held it

"He wanted to skin her for Draco. He said it was a perfect gift, adding me to that mix made it all the better. He wanted Draco to have the chance to kill me too"

No one spoke

"Blaise beat into me, then he used his wand to make a window letting in the moonlight to harm me. I truly meant for my wand to be a secret but when he told me he was the reason my dragon died I lost it. He brought me to an unconscious state and stole my real wand"
I took Draco's out of my pocket and twirled it in my hand

"You got it back it seems?" Harry said

"Are you guys aware that all wands are unique? No two are alike?"
They nodded their heads
"Ollivander only made one identical pair of wands. He didn't know the reasoning for it, he told me flat out he just had a vision one day that he would be in need of two that are the exact same"

"Who's wand do you have?" Harry said getting the hint

"After I woke up" i continued my story "I heard someone walking towards my cage in the dungeon. My hands were tied and the moon was burning into me. When the person opened the door, they stayed there for a moment before walking towards me. That person saw me in the state that I was and felt so much rage for me. Blaise came back to gloat about what he found. He told this person if he didn't kill me,  he as in Blaise would when he came back. He left me and this person together"

I took a deep breath
"This person confessed their love for me hasn't faltered. He said even though it's been years he's still just as in love with me as he was before he left"

I saw Ron give Harry a look, I chose to ignore it
"I told him I was still in love with him too. He promised to get me out of the cell, but someone started walking our way. He hid in the darkness and waited to strike. He figured it was Blaise coming to finish me off, he was reading himself to kill Blaise. But it wasn't. It was his mum"

Hermione looked at me confused
"She told me she wanted to rescue me because her son loved me. She said I wasn't her enemy and didn't want to see her son suffer. She didn't want him to help because they would have known it was him. She didn't think anyone would think of her being the one to help me. I told her about my wand, she said if she went to look for it it would compromise the time she had to help me escape. That person who was with me before rolled their wand towards us. His mum thought Blaise was lazy and left it behind. He didn't, he had mine. That person now has my wand and I have theirs. The only two in existence to match completely. From the wood type, the length, the core. My wand's twin is Draco's"

Death Eaters Daughter Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now