One Hundred Ninety One

60 2 9

"Crucio!!" Bellatrix yelled into our room

I braced for impact but it was Neville who was being attacked

I looked over and he was on the ground, squirming and screaming in pain
I ran up to his side and held his hand
"Stop!!" I yelled

Bellatrix laughed
"Let's see if you last longer than your parents boy!!"

Harry sent a spell at her but it was deflected by Corban
He walked closer to us
I couldn't move, seeing him walking towards me made me frozen in fear
"Cora" he said "you're coming with me"

I started shaking my head
The sounds of Neville's screams filled my head and his hands squeezed my own tightly
"Don't come near me"

He smirked and was now in front of me
He grabbed me and pulled me up to his face
"How long did you think you could get away from me? Thought I was dead didn't you"

I tried scratching his hands off of me but he didn't let go, instead he took his free hand and punched me in my stomach
"Fuck you" I said clutching my abdomen

He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me into his chest
I looked around the room and saw each one of my friends being held by a death eater
Bellatrix was kicking Neville back and forth

Harry was the only one not being held down, Lucius was in front of him with his hand extended
"Want your friends to live? Give me the prophecy"

"If you kill any of them, you won't ever get your hands on this" Harry started to throw it in the air, higher and higher

I could see sweat pilling on Lucius's forehead

The hand around my throat was getting tighter
"You and me are leaving, I have what I want"

I started trying to shake him off but it was no use
My body was exhausted from lack of adrenaline now, and I was beginning to lose consciousness from his choke hold on me

Harry looked at us, when he made contact with me I felt his pain
He was so nervous for us all, he knew we weren't getting out alive
He started to give the orb to Lucius but then flashes of silver light filled the room

Figures started dancing around the arch and landing in front of each of our friends
Including me

"Get your filthy hands off MY daughter" my dad said to Corban
He pulled back his hand and punched him straight in the face with enough force that he released me

"Harry get your friends and run!!" Sirius said in the background

Harry ran with the prophecy in his hand but before he could reach any of us, a spell hit him directly and knocked the orb out of his hand
Shattering it on the ground before us

My dad grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest
He then twisted our bodies and ran for a large boulder in the corner of the room where I saw Sirius running with Harry

When we all arrived at the rock my dad pulled my face to his
"What hurts?" He asked assessing my injuries

"That doesn't matter, what are you all doing here?" I asked my dad and then I looked at Sirius "you're ok"

"Snape contacted us, he told us he was worried about your group. We found out where you went and got here as soon as we could" Sirius said

"Why didn't you all go to the house??" My dad said panicked "you shouldn't have done this alone how reckless"

"Guess I'm more like Sirius than you huh" I said smirking

Sirius let out a short laugh and my dad sighed
A spell hit our boulder, sending rocks flying our way
My dad covered my face while Sirius covered Harry's
When the dust settled my dad took my face into his hands
"You and Harry need to leave, your friends are getting escorted out by members don't worry about them. Grab each other and leave"

"Dad he's alive...Sirius he—he—" Sirius placed his hand on my shoulder and then kissed the top of my forehead

"He's not leaving alive Cora, this time will be the last time you see him. If it kills me I will get rid of him" Sirius said

I felt my hands shake again
"No no please don't die" I said panicked

"I won't" he looked at my dad and pulled his face into his own, kissing him passionately
"I love you all so much, we will get out of this"

"I love you too" my dad said to him "I love all of you"

"If we are all getting out of this why say I love yous?" Harry said

"Because you can't ever say it enough" Sirius said kissing my dad again "we will create a distraction, once it's begun you need to go"

We nodded our heads and prepared to run
"I love you both" I said before they started their distraction

My dads' both jumped over the rock holding each other's hands and started shooting spells at surrounding Death eaters
Harry took my hand into his and let out a large breath
"Let's go"

We both jumped over the rock next and began running
I saw Tonks with Luna
Moody with Ron
Kingsley with Hermione
I didn't see Ginny or Neville but something told me they were already out and safe
I saw multiple light figures flying around, one sounded like Charlie the other sounded like Bill
Arthur must be taking Ginny and Neville out, im sure he would have gone for one of his own first and knowing Ron was older I'm sure he thought Ginny needed the most assistance

Harry continued running forward, I looked behind and saw my dad facing off against Corban
I stopped moving, I wanted to see him ended
Harry stopped with me, he kept his wand in front of us since I lost mine in the chaos
"I want him dead"

My dad threw spell after spell, Corban dodged all of them
"Your daughter? Don't make me laugh. The dark lord has plans for my kin"

"Too bad you don't have any" my dad said "you won't get your hands on her ever again"

They both threw a spell at each other, the spells collided in the middle
I left their fight and saw Sirius going against Bellatrix next

"Cousin you're getting sloppy" Sirius said taunting her
Harry let go of my hand, almost like he was readying for battle

"Sloppy?! Azkaban made you blind" she threw a spell at Sirius knocking him over

I didn't know what came over me but I grabbed Harry's wand and ran for Sirius who had another spell going towards him

"Cora!!" My dad yelled

I heard Harry's footsteps running after me but I made it to where Sirius was and threw up a protection spell for us
"Don't touch him" I said to Bellatrix

She laughed loudly
"Brave now?!" She said

I heard a spell collide again, and when I looked I saw my dad with Harry, who had a wand again, facing off against Corban together

Sirius got off the ground and looked at me
"Cora go" he said seriously

"No we do this together" I said standing my ground

I ran for Bellatrix and threw spells at her, but she dodged each one
She then shot a green spell at me
I couldn't dodge it
It came flying for me
I closed my eyes
I knew I was going to die
She was too much for me
why did I think I could go against her

But then I felt someone shove me aside and take on the spell themselves
After I fell to the ground I saw who it was

Sirius was clutching his chest, but then he stopped moving all together and fell to his knees and then to the ground completely
I screamed for him
Louder than I thought possibly
Not Sirius please no

Death Eaters Daughter Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now