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One rain night, a Lady is running through the alleys of Musutafu. In her arms is a baby boy, crying from all the commotion.

"Shh. Shh. Please *******. Or else they will find us," the Lady told her child.

'Damn, they had to find me as I gave birth to you. I need to save you, son,' the thought as she could hear the creatures near her.

A demonic creature was about to claw at her, but she moves the large object strapped to her back, pointing the barrel of her weapon at the creature's face. It didn't take long for the creature to process what was about to happen. The Lady smirks and pulls the trigger, releasing a rocket at the creature's face, killing it and sending her flying. She flips in the air and sticks the landing.

She looks back to admire her handy work, "I still got it."

Her child then laughs.

She lets's out a small chuckle, 'You really are your father's child.'

Soon she senses that more of the creature were coming closer.

"Shit. Shit," she cries out.

She takes a good look at her child, gives it a kiss on its forehead. A few tears well in her eyes as she wishes she could spend more time with her son.

Her baby boy. Silver white hair like his father but her messy hair. Hetero chromatic eyes, one green and the other red. She could tell, he will be even stronger than his father.

The tear begin to flow. She bites her thumb and draws something on the boy's stomach and chest. She then moves a cloth over the boy. Once the move was over, the boy no longer had his silver hair, but now possessed black hair with green highlights. He had two sets of four freckles in a diamond formation.

"I know you won't remember this, but ****** I love. You are destined for great things like your father. Why because you will have his heart and my drive. Just don't inherit his eating habits, or money problems, or my stubbornness. I hope what other family raises you does so for both your father and me," she says as she kisses her son one more time.

She then pulls out a necklace too big for the boy to wear and slips it into his blanket. It was a silver necklace with a large red gem as the centerpiece. 

She then hears human footsteps. She sees two people with in bright, colorful outfits.

'They must be heroes,' she thought to her self.

She ran up to the two and handed them her son. She quickly says, "Take care of him," then runs off.

The two were about to chase after the Lady till they could hear crying from the bundle.

"OH MY! IT'S A BABY. LOOK, TOSHI," the woman yells.

The muscular man walks over to the woman and whispers in her ears, "Not so loud V.esper or would you like it if I called you Inko in public," Toshi told the young woman.

"OH. Sorry All Might. But either way, that Lady left us with a baby. We have to chase her and ask her why she would do that," Inko said as she was about to March off to find the woman but was stopped by All Might as he places his hand on her shoulder.

"LET GO. ALL MIGHT," she protested.

"I know you want answers, V.esper, but the child come first. How about you take the boy to the nearest polices station while I look for the boy's mother. She couldn't have gotten far. Plus, from the looks of it she must be in some sort of danger. We can't help her if we also have to defend the child," All Might kindly ordered.

"I guess you are right," she said in a defeated tone. "YOU DO HAVE MORE EXPERIENCE than me. Just be careful."

"HEY, I'M NOT THAT OLD," he announces. He then gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and says, "I will be back soon."

Then All Might jumps away. Inko just laughs as he has to have the last word.

She then turns to the boy. "Well, let's head off to the police station. And get you all sorted. Yes. Yes we will. Abbbbuu."

The baby begins to laugh. Inko could feel emotions in her chest stirring at the baby's laughter.

'Toshi better find his mom soon before I want to keep him,' she thinks as she flies over to the police station. Once she arrives, she sends Toshi her location.

An hour passes when All Might finally arrives at V.espers location. She was about to go and hug him till she notices the sad look on his face.

She clears her throat and asks, "What wrong To-... I mean All Might?"

All Might looks down before speaking, "I found his mother."

"But that's a good thing," Inko says with worried tone.

"Normally yes, but it was the state I found her in," All Might informs her. He looks up to see the worried look on Inko's face, so he continues, "I found her after I heard an explosion. I dashed to the spot only to find her without a pulse next to a crater made from an explosion. Due to it being dark, we didn't notice that she was armed to the teeth in weaponry. So the authorities took her away before I could get any useful information. Now our only choice is to put the kid in an orphanage."

Inko paled at the thought of leaving the green bundle of joy in an orphanage. Then she got a bright idea.

"Say, Toshi. I know we have only been going out for two year, but what if we adopt him? Together."

"Are you sure this is a big step?" All Might ask with worry in his tone.

"I am sure. Don't you want to be together?"


"I understand, but think of it this way. He is practice for well, we have kids together."

"OKAY, LET'S DO THIS.  SO WHAT SHOULD WE NAME THE BOY?" All Might asked with pride.

"Izuku Yagi."


Okay that's a wrap. How do you like the origins of our protagonist. Well if you like it or not I'm still going to continue it. But any constructive criticism is appreciated.

If I haven't made it obvious enough this is a Devil May Cry/ Boku no Hero Academia cross over. Thus should take a little over 9 1/2 months after the event of  the fifth game.

What should Izuku's real name be? I have an idea but I'm not sure. Give me your ideas. All I'm looking for is a name in Italian or Latin that has a meaning or is of great historical value. To sort of match the motif of his families members naming scheme.

New edit: Izuku's real name has already been chosen. The only reason I'm not deleting the previous paragraph because many were good or funny. But at this point there is no need for more suggestions.

Edit: Misspelled prologue. That was the only change.

Originally released Sept. 15, 2021.

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