Vampire vs Vampire

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Once Ziyou began playing his flute, Latte, Himiko, and Lèmèi left the meeting. But to make sure the plan succeeded she left her ring with Lucius.

The girls used their Cavaliere to drive towards Shuzen Japanese manor. It took them two hours of continuous driving.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Lemei asks.

Himiko jumps up and does ninja signs, "Let's sneak in like ninjas while Lala distracts her aunts and uncles."

"Do you honestly think you can sneak in?" Latte asks.

"Well, Lucy slipped in without getting caught. I don't think we can do the same but I believe Lèmèi and I can sneak in and locate the targets before they notice if you distract them. The big problem is after we find them. I will have to fight while Lèmèi takes the hostages away," Himiko states.

"You expect me to distract three of my aunts, their partners, and my three stepmoms. And let's not forget the others in the manor," Latte reminds them.

"Don't worry. I will help you with the fighting plus Lucy lent us some of the bigger guns," Himiko jokes.

Latte remembers that Lucius had lent her Agni & Rudra, Leviathan, and Set while Himiko was given Shukaku, Komaken, and Lucifer. Lucius had managed to absorb enough of Shukaku's energy to make a fake with Sun Fang Dang and its full power was more useful in Himiko's psychotic hands.

"Alright, I'll wait twenty minutes then I will talk with my family but that will only get you ten minutes at most," Latte states.

"Okay, that means I have half an hour to find them and send them out with Lemei," Himiko states.

"Um, what about us?" Youen asks on behalf of her sisters.

Latte lets out a loud sigh.

"Why are you even here?" Latte huffs out.

"We are trying to help," Youen defends.

"Kinda late to turn a new leaf," Latte retorts.

"Enough Lala!" Himiko barks.

Latte was shocked to see Himiko reprimand her.

"You just said that it will be hard to take on your whole family, so why not take them with you," Himiko suggests.

Latte glares at her sisters.

"Look the girls still have the seals on them. We could just activate seals if they betray us," Himiko reminds them.

"So, Lulu told you the spell?"

Himiko just smiles at Latte in response. Latte rolls her eyes.

"Fine. But I want to get this over with as soon as possible," Latte states.

Himiko smiles at her friend.

"Okay, Lèmèi. Let's go," Himiko orders.

"Yes, ma'am," Lèmèi says with a cheeky smile.

Both girls vanish in a burst of speed.

With Himiko and Lèmèi.

"We are going to sneak in and remain silent. So, no pranks, no laughing, no playing around. Your job is to listen for the hostages and tap my side if someone is close. If possible we will knock them out, if not we will go around them," Himiko whisper orders.

Noticing the seriousness of Himiko's voice, Lèmèi nods.

The two rushed through the foliage of the manor. After five minutes of running and avoiding guards, they made it to the back of the building.

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