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River lays down on the floor shaking from the nightmare he was having. He tosses and turns. Flashes of demonic creatures. A pink armless figure, a deformed green fox, a blond cat with a missing arm and eye, and a wolf of silver and black all ready to tear his flesh, break his bone and drink his fluids dry. 

River runs. No weapons on hand but two bundles in his arms. A snow white bunny bitting on a twig and a blond puppy. He holds them tight. They were the last thing he can call his. They have never wrong him but he had wronged them. The bunny somehow is glaring at him while the puppy bites his arms, hard enough to puncture his skin. 

River runs. Back covered in cuts, burns, blood, and torn flesh. If he were human, he would have long since died but he trudged along. It was either his demonic blood or his will that carried him. He doesn't care he just need to protect what he can hold on to. 

The wolf, cat, and fox were trying their best to kill the animals in his arm. To protect his bundles River lets the creature bit him if they get close or kicks them away if possible. The pink one just smiles at the chaos. At some point River trips and falls he drops the creatures. The bunny manages to run away but the puppy wasn't as lucky. The wolf managed to catch the puppy. The puppy tried its best to stand its ground but as the wolf gets closer to it the puppy, it whimpers. 

Hearing that River get up and tries to charge at the wolf but was tackled down by the demonic fox and corrupted cat creatures. The demons maul him but he didn't care. He was going to save the poor pup from the wolf. Sadly, he could hear the puppy being torn by the wolf. The pup crying its last beath. 

Tears blur vision. After a few blinks, the puppy and wolf transform into two beautiful women. The puppy turned in Melissa, her throat torn, her chest ripped open, tears running down her face, but her eyes held hate aimed at him. The wolf was a mix of Blanche and Momo. Blood marring her beautiful features but what hurt him was the demented smile she had. 

He turns to see Mikua and Yokaze clawing and biting him. He was going to kick and punch them off but they grabbed him and invaded his mouth with their tongues. It tasted vile and felt like acid was burning his mouth and throat. The anger gave him the strength to toss Mikua away and straddled Yokaze. River began to smash Yokaze's face in. To end it, he snapped her neck. 

Mikua returns, hip slamming into his face. River wanted to gag. Mikua began to rub his face up and down her snatch. Desperate to escape River bites the putrid flesh. Mikua jumps up from pain and moans. River gets up spitting out the flesh followed by him puking. He smashes his own nose to stop his ability to smell and scraped his own tongue raw to remove the taste. 

Suddenly a blast of light tears through his stomach. River turns around to see Mei with her arm steaming before breaking down. She smiles at the damage she made. Mei walks closer to River and removes his bandages revealing the face of Lucius. 

Mei begins to punch his face. Lucuis does not react to her attacks. He was not going to let her see him in pain. Mei only stops when a blade peirces her heart. Mei's light pink hair darkens back to its rich pink color. Mei closes her eyes with a flash of sorrow. Lucius gets up and steps over Mei's body. He walks next to the owner of the blade, Yuzuki. 

Lucius walks closer to Yuzuki. She vanishes before he could talk to her. He sighs before walking towards Momo. Momo spreads her bloody arms open wanting to embrace him. He ducks when she closes her arms. Lucius falls to his knees and cries at the mangled body of Melissa. He looks up to give Momo a sorrowed look only to recieve her arm through his chest. Momo crushes his heart. 

His vision begins to die. The last thing he saw was Momo places a chaste kiss on his lip before walking away. 

River wakes up whispering, "I'm sorry, Momo."

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