Business and Consequences

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After the classes were done Tony went to go pick up Mei from her class.

"Hello is this Support course area?" Tony asks a thin man wearing only jeans and helmet made of excavation claws.

"Yeah what ya need," the man replies.

"Hey cool, aren't you Powerloader? Can I get your autograph?" Tony asks as he hands Powerloader a small notebook.

But before the hero could sign the book, an explosion happens. Tony moves in front of the man and blocks the incoming objects.

"Wow Mei I see your back at your old tricks," Tony shouts.

Then a pink blur rushes at the Demon hunter and tackles him to the ground.

Mei takes off his mask and gives him a deep kiss.

Once out Tony states, "We had some much fun last night yet you still want more."

"Like that was enough for you," Mei fired back.

"True but you passed out. I couldn't keep having fun without you now could I," Tony countered.

"Uh. Hmmm," a voice grumbles.

"Sorry sir. I'm here to pick up Mei for a  business dinner," Tony told the man.

"Good. Take her. I've had enough of her making explosions," Powerloader shouted.

"Wait I don't get a signature?" Tony cries.

"Sure can you get mine if she doesn't cause an explosion in my class for a week. She has only been in my class for two days and I already know she is going to be trouble," Powerloader answers.

"So, I'm never getting that signature am I?," Tony said.

"Nope," Mei chimed in.

Tony head fell. Then he shot up with a grin. He whispered to Mei. And she smiled back.

"How about this?" Tony declares getting Powerloader's attention.

"Why haven't you left?" Powerloader said trying to clean the mess Mei made.

"Come on I have a challenge for you. Let's see who is the better inventor," Tony taunts Powerloader.

"Right. Then give the challenge. Boy," Powerloader states.

"Mei can I have a hand," Tony said trying to hold his laughter.

Mei giggles as she gives Tony her hand. He gives it a slight pull. She arm pops off. Powerloader gets scared. Mei hadn't removed her gloves or rolled up her sleeves, why would she when her Devil Breakers don't feel temperature change or pain.

"Why are her arms mechanical?" Powerloader shouts.

Mei looks down while Tony releases a bit of demonic energy.

"We would appreciate you don't react like that next time. It's quite personal, but let's just say a villian attack," Tony told the hero.

"Sorry about that. Those things had me fooled. They move so realistic, and their shape doesn't seem too out of the ordinary," Powerloader states.

"I know right. That Mei for you," Tony says as Mei behind to blush.

She punches him but he blocks it with his Devil Bringer.

"So for my challenge. Try to improve it so humans can use it," Tony tells the man.

"What do you mean by 'so humans can use it'?" Powerloader asks.

"That baby is called Gerbera. It releases shockwaves. Mama Nico made the original and I modified it to need less Demonic energy and more durable," Mei proclaimed.

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