Surviving the Demon Proctors

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"So, does anyone have a plan?" Todoroki asks his group.

"Simple kick his ass," Seishirou states.

The three of remaining classmates chose to ignore that answer.

"Hmmm. We don't have that much information on him and we did lose one of our long range option," Honenuki states scratching his head.

"How about we discuss what we know about Sophia and Redgrave," Honenuki suggests.

Though the mention of Redgrave damped the mood of the two cooperative males from 1-A.

"Sorry. He must have been a nice guy," Honenuki states.

Todoroki just shakes his head.

"No. If anything he was jerk but meant well. He even got me to talk to my mother and screw my father out of some of his money," Todoroki joked.

"He possess much darkness. Not even my Dark Shadow could compare," Tokoyami adds.

They spent a minute in silence till Seishirou interrupted.

"Enough about the loser. Can we get back to planning on how to beat the asshole in charge of our test," Seishirou shouts.

"It is high time we slay some demons," Monoma proclaims.

They glare at the blondes but stopped as they had a point but remembered something.

"We are making a plan. We need to cross reference Nero-san's moves to that of Redgrave and Bluegrave," Tokoyami states.

"He trained them both. So they must have similar moves if anything. Though I would say that Sophia would be the better point of reference as she is his daughter," Todoroki states.

"What about me?" a feminine voice states.

The five men jump to see Sophia standing next to them.

"When did you come back Bluegrave?" Honenuki asks.

"Just now. Soooo why are you talking about me behind my back? It better not be anything bad or I will teach you manners," Sophia states as she cracks her knuckles.

"Like we would listen to a dum....."

Seishirou couldn't finish his sentence as he was sent flying into a wall. Just moments later Monoma was sent flying as well. Sophia pulls out a disinfectant wipe from her jacket pocket and wipes her fist. Once done she turn to the remain men.

"I'm waiting for your answer."

"We were going to compare you and Redgrave to your father's fighting style. And device some tactics based on that information," Honenuki states, being the only one there calm enough to answer the girl.

Sophia nods her head for a moment before speaking, "Good idea but there is a glaring problem."

"And that is?" Todoroki asks.

"Only my sword fighting is similar to my father's. And my father isn't going to fight using his sword or guns. Is he?" Sophia reminds the group.

The notice that she was correct.

"We have seen you and hmmm.... your kin fight without weapons before during class spars," Tokoyami blurts out.

"True but my father is going to use a weapon. Remember," Sophia corrects.

"You mean those arms thing....... Wait they look like what Hatsume uses," Todoroki let's out.

"Oh that's because those weapons were originally meant for daddy. He got it when grandpa ripped off his arm. Back when it looked like... Lu's," Sophia states, then she shakes her head, "Then Nico made the Devil Breakers for daddy."

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