Introducing Your Proctors

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The students had a hard time in studying for their finals. Many had hoped to study with the smartest student of their year, Momo Yaoyorozu.

They knew she would have been happy to help. Even if Yuzuki described her a spoiled princess, they knew she wanted to genuinely help people.

Especially Jiro knew this about her friend.

'Momo would have jumped at the opportunity to help them. Momo would have either invited them to her mansion or rented out a building. Hehe. She always said she hated to flaunt her money but always did in the most innocent way. She loved our class as they saw her as Momo and not as the Yaoyorozu heir. She would have.....' were the thoughts that plagued the punk girl before she cried, missing her friend.

Kirishima and Yokaze visited Katsuki on Saturday.

"Hey Baku-bro how are ya?" The false redhead said.

"Hey Kacchan," Yokaze said.

"Hey," he responded in a jarringly calm voice.

"Come on bro you can beat this," Kirishima calls out.

"I know, you don't have to remind me. The stupid doctor told me to relax for now since my heart is still weak. I will need to reduce stress for the next six to eight weeks. So your cheering isn't helping me right now," Katsuki told the hardening hero.

"Oh sorry bro," Kirishima said in a low voice.

"I don't need your pity. Just wait for me to....... owwwwwww," Katsuki begins to scream as shearing pain pierced his nerves.

Kirishima rushed over to his friend

"Bro you okay?" Kirishima asks.

Katsuki shoves Kirishima away.

"I said I don't need your pity. I'm going to kill the bastard that did this to me," Katsuki viciously proclaimed.

That caused him to grab his chest.

"Just go. I'll see you in class in two months. Now piss off," Katsuki barked.

The two students left the angry blonde alone.

Now it was the day of the hero final.

A few like Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Jiro and Ojiro had a hard time studying. But many were still plagued the memories of their friends. Most barely managed to pass. Kaminari, Mina and Sero failed a few finals.

Then the students appeared to their hero final in full costume. They were walking toward a gym where they could see every hero the school had waiting by the door.

The students stopped when someone decided to talk.

"Ha. Good luck with your test 1-A fools. You'll need it since you are missing five of your classmates. You are dropping like flies," Monama jeered.

That earned him a punch to the face that implanted him into a wall by Sophia.

"There. I even up a little," Sophia said in a bored tone.

She walks into the new wall decal.

"I would keep your mouth shut about your fallen classmates. Because if you don't I promise you, I might not be allowed to kill you. But you will wish that I did," Sophia said as her demonic aura flared up.

"Enough, So," a male voice shouted.

Sophia flinched. She then turned around.

There stood a man with a blue jacket, short white hair, and a massive sword on his back.

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