Opening Old Wounds

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@Matharmen thanks for the corrections on the Side Mission chapter. I appreciate the time you took to give me the correct phrases to use. Sorry for having you read those bad google translations. i dont think i will be trying to use french till I study it in the future. thank again.

like previously stated in other chapters, if i use other laguages and it written poorly please comment the right term or sentences on the wrong parts. last thing i want to do is butcher another language.

Now on to the story.


Seishirou was ignoring the announcements for the eighth match. He just wanted to her to Recovery Girl and get his arms fix.

He pushes the door open. There he spots a sleeping Mei and Bayonetta.

"Tsk. How could I forget he has three sluts," Seishirou whines, "Oh and great. The fake nun is here to. How could that waste of space get three girls and the love of nearly every hero he meets."

Then he spots two serrated blade. One blue while the other red. Each having a head shaped ornament attached to the hilt.

"Perfect I can use these to kill these two sluts and blame it on Deku," Seishirou quietly states.

As he was saying this he didn't even notice the blades wink at one another.

He picked up both blades. He was about to swing them on to the sleeping women tell he felt massive amounts of pain in his arms.

Agni had spread demonic fire on Seishirou's right arm while Rudra sent wind blades to cut his left arm.

Seishirou dropped both blades.

"Ow." Both blade cried out.

"What are you?" A shocked Seishirou cries out.

"We are the demonic blade Brothers Firestorm," Agni and Rudra answered.

"And you young man are an idiot. Did you really think a devil arm of our master, Lucius, would dare harm his mate?" The told the injured hero.

Seishirou was shocked. That there were talking blades.

"Now leave our sight before we begin to show you our power,"

He runs out of the room.

"Brother do you think he bought that," Rudra asks.

"I believe it did. I mean he did run," Agni responded.

"Pathetic," both blades announced.

Then Chiyo walked in. She saw the small mess. A burned mark and a splash of blood.

Both blades remained still. They did not want to be yelled at the elderly woman.

Seishirou managed to get to his father's private booth. There he saw his father in his deflated form with a young woman in a customized nurse's outfit. It was colored in gold and black. She sat on a chair as she filed her nails.

"Dad, I need your help," Seishirou asked.

"Son! How did you end up like that?" All Might asked his son worryingly.

"I got ambushed. And that hag recovery girl isn't going to help me," Seishirou briefly explained.

All Might understand what his son meant. He did something stupid but managed get away with no witnesses, he hoped.

All Might then looked at his son's injuries. Then he turned to the nurse.

"Dr. Hoshiko Ukiyo. I implore that you help my son," All Might requests.

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