Fight for Survival

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Let go back a few months.

Izuku jumped off a cliff after Mei.

Izuku jumped after her. He did not care if he lived or die as long as he could save her. He stretched out his arms, whole and stump.

'Mei. Damn it. I need power. Power not for myself but to save her. The only one that I can show my humanity to. Please. PLEASE. I DON'T CARE WHAT WHAT IT IS JUST GIVE ME POWER TO SAVE HER," he shouts in his mind.

His left stump begins to glow red. And a new arm appears. A leathery blue arm with with a glowing red crystal like center.

Izuku stretched his arm to reach for the falling Mei. But it was still not enough. In a desperate attempt he swung his arm back and thrust it towards her. Then a gigantic version of his new arm appeared and grabbed Mei.

Izuku pulled his arm back and embraced the girl. He held her and turned himself so that he would take the brunt of the fall upon himself.

They crashed into a tree. Izuku held Mei closer to shield her as much as possible.

As he crashed onto the ground he accidentally releases Mei.

He tries to stand up. But he could feel something was in his gut. He looked down to see three branches have pierced his stomach. Izuku pulls them out. He screams out in pain. He was about to grab his stomach to reduce the bleeding but sees that his wounds rapidly heal.

Deciding that Mei was more important that analyzing his "quirk". He ran to her. He begins to check her.

"Please, Mei. Please be alive," he says frantically searching for a pulse, a sign that she was alive.

He began to smile when he saw that her chest raise slowly.

He then remembers, she had lost alot of blood. So get first rips his jacket and uses the torn cloth to cover Mei's arms and to tourniquet her arms.

He then checks his and her pockets. And he finds what he was looking for. Two needles, a tube, and some electrical tape. He knew this was a stupid idea but he couldn't think of anything better.

He attached the items together to make a make shift IV. He inject himself first and waits for his blood to flow. Once a little blood leaves the other end of the tube he inserts it into Mei.

As he makes sure that needle wouldn't fall out, he picks up Mei and carries her. He runs in a single direction in a desperate attempt to escape the forest.

He knew by doing this he would be increase his heart rate which would in turn increase the rate his blood would go into her.

He just wanted to save her. Or at least not leave her in an unmarked grave, alone in a forest.

As he ran he could hear multiple foot steps approaching him. Izuku turned around to see that they were. He feared that it was the four trying to finish their work.

But it was worse. It was a pack of wolves.

Izuku sprints away from the wolves but he notices that the wolves are leading him somewhere. Then he stops when he sees a froze lake.

"Wait it is spring how is this river frozen," Izuku cries out.

Then from out he frozen river comes out a massive silver with flakes of light blue furred wolf. It towered over Izuku.

"Kin of Sparda I have found you at last," the monstrous wolf proclaims.

"Oh. Cool a talking mutt. I bet if I took you to a dog show you would get first place," Izuku taunted.

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