Battle of Traitorous Descendants

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Lucius opens up the gate. He sees two arrogant primates. One of the primates has dark fur and is crudely sitting on a golden throne. He drinks from a gourd. Alcohol whaffs off him so that Lucius can smell it by the door. The other has golden fur with his legs covered in black fur. His eyes are dark red. He stands like a military soldier. He has a demented smile.

"You two don't know how to throw a party. First, your location in the middle of nowhere. Do you know how hard it was to find this place?" Lucius taunts.

Lucius could see the older macaque grip his cup harder. Smiling Lucius continues.

"Second, no music. You can't have a big bash without tunes. That's why I had to bring my own but it seems like your people didn't like it much. Come on man. Get with the times, not everyone is into the classics," Lucius mocks.

A vein on the leader's head begins to bulge.

"Next, your staff is rude. They attacked me when I asked for directions. It did not go well for them," Lucius says in mock sorrow.

The leader sits straight while the hybrid just smiles more.

Then there is no food. And YOU ARE HOGGING ALL THE LIQUOR. YOU UGLY BASTARD!" Lucius exclaims.

The leader throws his gourd at Lucius. Lucius spins around only to reveal he caught the gourd. He takes a drink from it and spits it out.

"Fuck! That was vile. Do you really drink this shit? It tasted like hell's unwashed taint. I don't mean its corruption but the area between the asshole and the reproductive organ, just so we are clear," Lucius clarifies.

The leader begins to walk towards Lucius. Lucius ignores the leader's action. He turns his back to the demon.

"Your people can't keep their hands to themselves. I had to teach some of your guests some manners. You know, 'manners maketh the man'," Lucius jokes.

The leader draws his blade to strike Lucius's back. Lucius moves to avoid the strike but a cut appears on his face.

"Is that any way to treat your guest?" Lucius says as he wipes the blood off his face.

"You have a big mouth," the leader states.

Lucius shrugs.

"I blame my father, I might have inherited it from him. He was known for being too mouthy, but then again my uncle was also an asshole when he spoke to people. Then there is my cousin doesn't know how to speak without insulting his foe. It can just be a male trait of my family," Lucius ponders

"ARE YOU EVER SILENT!?" the leader demands to know.

Lucius turns to the demon.

"Oh, did you say something?" Lucius asks as he turns away.

The leader is about to strike Lucius but is stopped when a hand bursts out of his chest. Lucius and the leader turn around to see the killer. And the killer is the hybrid demon.

Lucius raises an eyebrow.

"You know I wanted to insult your leader a bit before we had to fight," Lucius says with a sad voice.

"You are strong. We must fight. Hehehehehehehehehehe. Enough with the delay," the hybrid begins to cackle.

"Great my opponent is broken. So what is your name hybrid?" Lucius says as he gets ready for combat.

"I was only known as Huì (濊) by the clan," the hybrid states.

"Now that is fucked up. That is just an insult. To be called filth but Huì also means abomination. What other word means the. Oh, I know. Fàng Dàng. You are Sūn Fàng Dàng (放盪 debauchery, abomination). I think it fits if you were meant to be the true evil version of Sun Wukong," Lucius states.

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