Vampire meet Akuma

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Lucius, Latte, and Mary were waving their goodbyes to Himiko and the hybrids.

A week had passed since entering the Strider's Headquarters. Himiko is starting to improve her blade work. Before she would aim for weak points by jabbing it or slashing it. But her form was always poor. The only reason her victims fell to her was because they didn't know how to defend themselves. But if someone like Gunhead had been her opponent she would have been captured long ago. Luckily, Himiko was wary enough to not catch the attention of the heroes.

Though she had developed a new bad habit. She wanted to master the art of lingchi or the art of a thousand cuts. She had been bested in spars for that habit. However, it didn't help that Lucius once beat her using that method. And Reika kept getting on her nerves. Himiko promised herself that by the time six months are up Reika will suffer that art to completion.

Lèmèi was finding Ririna's lessons fun but her attitude was poor. She couldn't wait to be old enough to use her training on unsuspecting men. Lucius told her she is free to know the tactics but not to practice them at her age. Even Himiko backed him up, she even promised to keep an eye.

Zìyóu was always excited to learn from Hiryu. More so when Hiryu helped him improve his stances. Lucius had to remind him that Hiryu was a married man. Zìyóu could only chuckle at that.

Latte is carrying Mary in her arms as she and Lucius walk toward the vehicle. They drove off.

Hours later.

Lucius, Latte, and Mary exit the plane into Spain.

"Is he really in Spain?" Himiko says with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Maybe. I know there is a World Street Fighter Tournament and he has a habit of attacking the winner," Lucius begins but stops as he grabs a stranger's hand that was about to touch Latte's butt.

Lucius glares at the old man. This old man has a strange yellow color to his skin like an old American cartoon and barely visible crimson eyes, garbed in a purple robe. He has one of his arms in his robe.

"I don't care if you are old but try to touch Latte like that, you will be missing that arm," Lucius says but notices where his other arm is at, "And your other arm better not be doing anything appropriate you will missing what it is holding," Lucius warns.

"Ho ho. Wow! You possess an incredible level of Chi! That's what you call... Evil intent? Impressive for a young man like you!," the man says with a smile, "I am glad to see such an evil one has a heart."

Lucius just squeezes harder.

"It's not chi. You have yet to apologize for being a perv. And if you haven't noticed the ring, she is taken," Lucius growls out.

"Sorry. Sorry. But it is hard to resist a woman with a motherly aura," the man states.

That annoyed Lucius, he snapped the old man's wrist. Lucius releases his hold on the old man.

The old man didn't scream in pain but just shook his broken hand. With a flick and a sickening sound, the old man's wrist is fixed.

"Ho ho. Akuma was right about you demon child," the old man says.

Lucius and Latte get in combat stances. Latte summons Feng Bo, letting Mary hold one of the fans. Lucius summons Sūn Fàng Dàng in its Fenris imitation.

The old man, knowing who is the bigger threat, only glances at Lucius.

"I mean no harm demon child. Akuma sensed you coming. He sent me to collect you," the old man says.

"Who the hell are you?" Lucius demanded to know.

"Ho ho. I'm the Sage, Oro. You can say Akuma and I are acquaintances, corgual at best," Oro revealed himself.

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