The Beginning of the Third Round

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Lucius is in the igloo next to Mei. He placed her head on his lap as he playing with her hair. She smiled at him. And he smiled back.

"I never thought she would attempt to pull a fast one like that," Lucius said.

"I can never understand how you can let yourself go through that," Mei weakly jokes.

"I'm used to pain," he tells her.

Mei was not happy to hear that. She wish she had killed Mikua right there and then. But she felt her chest was on pain.

"Damn it," she cursed.

"Don't worry Zenko told me me you will be good in an hour and they gave us 90 minutes to heal. So just rest for now," Lucius say.

She nods before going to sleep.

Yuzuki and Momo walk in.

"How is she?" They both asked.

"She will live. Just weak right now," he tells the two.

"I've seen you stabbed in the chest before," Momo asks.


Then Yuzuki understood the Momo asked the statement.

"If Mei's demonic blood from you. Then why did Mikua's attack effect her so badly?" Yuzuki questions.

"Acid is my weakness. It breaks through my defenses faster than any other substance in existence. Though after awakening my demonic blood, acid has less effect on me now. But since Mei's demonic blood isn't as dense as mine or Sophia's acid would do more damage. Especially if it nearly damaged her heart," Lucius answered.

They were shocked.

"Let's not forget my scars. They were made from Mikua's acid. I have no broken bones, burn marks, or other skin damage besides the acid scars," Lucius tells them.

They nod.

"Anyways can you ladies bring us lunch?" Lucius requests.

The two smile and leave to bring them lunch.

Once they leave Todoroki walks in.

"What do you want peppermint?" Lucius asked annoyed that he jut walked in.

"I want you to know I won't lose to you," Todoroki declares.

"Do I look like I care?"

"Tsk. Fine. But do you mind answering a question for me?"

"Sure ask away."

"Why does it look like you hate All Might?"

"Simple I hate him and his kids," Lucius answers as if he just said the sky is blue.

Todoroki was taken aback by that.

"Why would you hate the symbol of peace?" Todoroki ask.

Lucius just laughs.

"Okay. Before I answer. Answer my question."

"What. Why?"

"You want to know my past its only fair that you share yours."

"Fine but you better answer my question."

"A demon never breaks a contract only twist the terms," Lucius jokes, "Though in this case I have no reason to hold back the truth. But you go first."

"Tsk. Fine I was raised by the second ranked hero, the Flame Hero: Endeavor. Aka, Enji Todoroki. He alaways wanted to be number 1 but could never beat All Might. So he came up with a plan to create a successor to surpass him and All Might. I was the product of a quirk marriage. He married a woman with an ice quirk and made four kids with her. I am the only one he considers a success. I never really got to know my sibling till recently. He claims it would only lower my potential. He would train me till I would break. My mother was the only comfort for me. That was till she poured boiling water on the left side of my face. She claimed I was looking more and more like my father. That is why I will never use his quirk," Todoroki told the Demon hunter.

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