Who Needs Enemies with People Like You in my Life

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The long weekend ended. Though out that time Izuku was not in speaking terms with anyone in his family. Not even Yo-chan could get him to speak. He spent all of his time in his room. The only time he went out was to eat. Or eat as much as he could till Toshi got I a mood and sent him to his room.

Yokaze would beg her dad to be lenient with her big brother. But he wouldn't budge, justify his action as disciplining Izuku.

Inko would later sneak some food for him to eat late in night.

Meanwhile Yokaze and Seishirou were being trained by their parents in how to activate their quirks. Now knowing what they were made it easier for the parents to instuct their kids on how to activate them. To which both succeeded. Yokaze could lift three books at the same time for a few seconds before getting a head ache. While Seishirou could increase his strength for a minute before he got a nosebleed. He could easily lift his sister with one hand. And he could make a small force field, just barely big enough to cover his forearm. It wa strong enough to block a book Yokaze throw at him, by accident, using her quirk.

One night, the twins and their parents were watching TV. Then a news broadcast showed the gruesome death of a new upcoming Hero.

"Tonight. The young Pro hero known as the Lawful Hero: Judgement was found dead. He was a recent graduate from the hero school, South Star. His school gave us a quote about the fallen hero. 'He was a bright young man. Kind and always looking out for those in need. It saddens us to know that he met his end so soon. But we know he would take pride in the fact that his sacrifice lead to the survival of a family. So as a school we will mourn for him. But we will that this as need to reform the way we teach our students.' Touching words. But sadly this is just the latest case of new and coming heroes dieing. There push form grief stricken families demanding a complete overhaul in the way hero schools are structured. The solution that most parents are for it instead of sending freshly graduated high-schoolers that the Hero course should only be taught in colleges. That in theory would mean better trained and mature heroes. Ones with the more rational minds to think of better solutions....."

"This would never had happen if the young man had a stronger quirk," Toshi remarked.

"What do you mean daddy?" Yokaze asked.

"Well, my little angel. Judgment had a non-combat related quirk. Called Penance," Toshi said.

"What does pen...pent..paint cent do?"

"It's penance honey," Inko corrected her daughter. "Its an auditory quirk. If Judgement asked you a question based if you did something bad and you feel a little bad about it you either go fall to your knees crying and willing let yourself go to jail so you can redeem yourself. Or if you think your crimes are to great you begin go though a nightmare where what ever evil thing you did gets till you wake up as a broken person. In all honest, it is a powerful quirk."

"It doesn't sound that strong," Seishirou added his two cents.

"Let me explain it like this. Imagine, if you rip Yo-chan's stuffed bunny apart," inko told her son.

"No. Not Usagi-kun!" Yokaze cried as she ran to her room to go get her bunny.

Everyone has a look of shock. She really loves that bunny.

"Okay getting back to the scenario. You hide the evidence but you start to feel bad. If Judgement asked if you know where her bunny is at. You would either to beg to be punished by me, your dad, or Yo-chan. Or you will pass out dreaming where we all start breaking all your toys."

Seishirou began to shake at the thought of meeting someone that kind of quirk. "I don't think I want to fight a villain with that kind of quirk."

"Then be a good boy. But that quirk has a single weakness," Inko was saying till Yokaze jumped on the sofa with her bunny in her arms.

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