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The UA dorm we see the two first year hero courses sitting in the common area thinking about the matches and eating dinner.

Iida and Kirishima walk into the common area.

"Well it's good to see you two are alive," Mina joked.

"Not funny Mina. It felt like I was hit by a bus when my quirk was deactivated," Kirishima told the girl.

"Where are those villians?" Iida shouted.

"Iida calm down. They aren't villains. Either way you lack the ability to even touch them," Uraraka berated the bespectacled male.

"But they are bound to bring disgrace to this establishment," Iida said as he chopped the air.

"Can you say that he and his sister took out two of our seniors and four of classmates," Ojiro said.

Kirishima and Iida were shocked.

"I can't believe out heavy hitter lost," Denki cried out.

"I know man. I thought at least blond senpai would have won, if not make Tony work for his win," Setsuna said imaging a sweaty Tony.

"Wasn't it obvious that they were going to lose. I'm shocked that, that guy, Kinari if I remember his name correctly lost," Shinso said.

"What do you mean, Shinso-san?" Uraraka asked.

"I mean unlike us they have real combat experience. Power means nothing if you don't known how to use it," he replied.

"Oh. I guess you are right. I mean for most of us didn't even fight using our quirks till the start of this semester," Uraraka answered.

"Well it is illegal to use our quirks. I still can't believe that demons are real. Kero," Tsuyu croaked.

"I hope I meet a succubus. He he he," Mineta said out loud.

Many of the girls moved away from the boy.

"It says here succubus hunt for attractive and pure souled men. Typically younger males or powerful men full of vigor. I fail to see how any of these detail resemble you little one,"Reiko said.

"And the occult beauty strikes again," Tsubasa shouted out.

Many laughed at that. Mineta was not enjoying this attention.

"I'm just glad they didn't kill them especially that masked boy," Hagekure said out load.

"What do you mean Hagekure?" Ojiro asked.

"Yeah girl. You were one of the first to say he looked handsome," Mina adds.

"Well I over heard about his childhood. It wasn't a good one," the invisible girl said.

"Who would mess with him?" Sero asked.

"His family," Hagekure said.

"His first adopted family not his real family," an annoyed Sophia said holding multiple bags.

Everyone's face snapped to look at the female demon hunter.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" the students yelled.

Sophia turns and sees Kamakiri.

"Yo. Kamakiri sorry for breaking your bladed. No hard feelings."

"It's alright. But next time I won't lose to you," the bug man said.

"You still haven't answered our question," the class yells.

"Calm down. I'm your new dorm mate and so are the rest of us. Hell we been here since the weekend," Sophia informs the group.

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