Home Invasion

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Latte stretches herself out of bed. Suddenly her head begins to throb.

"OW. I don't want to drink a drop of that stuff ever again. If this is the result," Latte complains out loud.

"Here. Coffee," a voice tells her.

"Yeah.... ow," Latte whines as she reaches for the cup.

She takes a sip and smiles from the taste.

"Aren't you cold?" The voice teases.

"A little," Latte answers.

"Being topless would do that."

Latte freezes at those words. She looks down to see the voice is correct. She turns to the voice to see Lucius smile at her while drinking another cup of coffee.

Her face turns red.

She shouts, "Why am I naked," throws the coffee in the air and jumps back into her covers.

Lucius gets up, freezes the coffee, and moves it so Latte doesn't get hit by her coffee. He then places his cup on the stand by the bed and begins consuming the frozen coffee.

He goes back to his seat.

He answers, "Apparently when you get drunk you like to get naked."

Latte let's out a yelp.

"And like to dance while stripping. I was not expecting a strip tease last night and a lap dance. Where did you even learn how to do that?" Lucius questions.

Latte throws a pillow at him. He just smiles.

"Stop lying," Latte begged.

"You know I don't like to lie. I even have a video if you want proff," Lucius says and he hand her his phone.

Latte snatches it and goes back under her covers. She makes embarrassed Latte noises under the covers.

After a while she asks, "Where are my clothes?"

"I have them right here, folded, and ready for to to wear plus new underwear, you spilled wine on your last set. It's a good thing I was able to sneak into your room.  It would have been hard to explain the red stain on your....."

Latte threw her other pillow, Latte holds the sheets to cover her bust.

"Okay, I get it. Turn around, so I can change," Latte orders.

"Is my sweet Latte being shy? Yet you were so vocal about me burning your image into my eyes," Lucius teases.

Latte blushes. Lucius chuckles but turns around.

Latte drags the covers so she can grab her clothes. The covers make a thud when they hit the floor. She begins to dress. Once she places her bra on she couldn't help but ask a question.

"Did you enjoy my dance?"

"I had to hold myself back from the arousal," Lucius answers.

"So.... we.... didn't..... you know?" Latte stutters out as she puts on her panties.

"No. I don't feel like complicating our current relationship with that," Lucius answers.

"You know you send a lot of mixed signals," Latte comments.

Lucius sighs.

"I might be single now and my relationship with the girls may have end a year ago, but to me it has only been a little under two months. While the heart has physically healed there is still a scar," Lucius states, "I don't feel ready to start a new but our relationship isn't new nor is it stable. I know you want more but I just can't give it to you right now. Plus you know my plan. I can't just take you with me if it is just a passing fancy."

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