Devil Vs. Vampire

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Lucius sitting by a window in his room. Mary is snoring on his chest as he supports her with his right arm. She did her best to keep close to him.

His free hand was holding a glass of red wine.

He stares at the moon and stars. He takes his time to finish his drink.

He looks at his desk to see a crude dagger. He could feel the faint demonic energy from it. Lucius had spent most of the night finishing the barely passable blade.

He sighs. Lucius stands up and picks up the knife. He then slides the blade on a whetstone. He only stops when he is satisfied with the blade's edge. He collects the metal dust for later use.

The blade is still crude but with a fine edge. Lucius slid his thumb across the dagger's edge, it made a small cut. The dagger should be sufficient for its purpose tomorrow.

Lucius places it on the desk before getting ready for bed. He snaps his fingers to transform his suit into pajamas. Mary giggles as the flames pass her, but once it hits her nose, she sneezes.

"You. What... I should have expected that," Lucius says out loud.

He looks for a tissue to clean her nose and his shirt. He slides into bed with Mary on his chest.

Lucius kisses her forehead.

"Night Mary."

He falls into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning

Latte was worried about what Lucius meant about it being his last night with Mary. She walked to his room first thing in the morning.

She was about to knock on the door when she heard Mary crying.

Scared, Latte breaks the door down. But the sight she ran into caused her mind to freeze.

In front of her was Lucius was holding Mary down, while in his free hand is a dagger covered in his demonic aura. It looked like he was about to kill Mary with his own hands. Then something red caught her sight. His Imperfect Amulet is next to Mary.

Then the memory of Lucius saying he was prepared to stain his hands with blood.

'He wouldn't sacrifice his daughter to complete his necklace. Right?' She thinks.

She could see Lucius speaking, but the blood thumping in her ears was preventing her from hearing his words.

But nothing she can think about could rationalize his actions.

Without thinking about the consequences, her body begins to be covered in a dark red substance. Scales cover her face, her arm now has complicated spiked gauntlets, her legs are protected with greaves, her sclera turned black and her irises become a bright red with a slitted pupil.

Lucius didn't have enough time to react. Latte snatched Mary from his hands and punched him straight out of the building.

Fāng Fāng and Táng Táng ran to the room when they noticed the rise in Latte's demonic aura. They saw a transformed Latte holding a crying Mary.

Fāng Fāng was about to ask what happened, but Lucius walked back into the room from the hole he was forced to create.

"I would appreciate it if you hand my daughter back to me. NOW!" Lucius ordered.

Everyone was shocked to hear the anger in his voice.


Everyone looked at Lucius with disgust.

This angered Lucius but he began to laugh.

"I see you are no different from your own family, Latte," Lucius sneers, "I doubt you would believe the truth since you have already painted me as the bad guy. Huh. I am not going to repeat myself again. Hand over my daughter. Or else."

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