Dinner and Remembering the Past

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Sorry for the late chapter. No excuse I made a promise to make 2 chapters a week atleast so tomorrow you will another chapter and then one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Then I will return to my normal schedule.


As Kinari walks through the portal he immediately become a witness of a strange sight. Tony was fighting a muscular butler.

"You damn brat. How dare you trick me into becoming a butler for these people? I'll get you for that," the man yelled.

"Sorry, Rappa but this is just temporary, I swear. How about first we eat then we fight. And if you win you are free to go. But if you loose I will be giving you three orders you can never reject," Tony offers.

Rappa gets one more swing in but Tony blocks it. Rappa pulls back his fist then fixes his suit.

"Fine. After dinner we fight and no lagging. Understood," Rappa states.

"Okay just lead the way Sébastien," Tony jokes.

"I'm really starting to hate you brat," Rappa says out loud.

Rappa walks over to Eri.

"Good to see you kid. Are they treating you alright," Rappa asks the girl.

"I'm good. Big sis Sophia bought me this dress and other pretty clothes. They treat me like a person. You aren't going to send me back with the bad man?" Eri asked as she holds onto Sophia's leg.

"Wouldn't think of it," Rappa says waving his arms.

"I don't work for him anymore. I work for that kid now," Rappa states pointing at Tony.

He pats her head.

"Plus, the news say that Overbitch is imprison with one arm paralyzed and the other unable to use his quirk. He can never escape or hurt you again. Now let's go inside, I asked the chefs to make you a steak with an apple sauce dressing. You will love it," Rappa tells the girl as he offers his hand.

Eri accept it and he puts her on his shoulder.

"Okay brats follow me so we can get this shit done with," Rappa yelled out.

But then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I see that you care for her but you will refrain from cursing infront of her or we will have problem," Sophia threatens.

"Yeah right girly. And how do you plan to do that?" Rappa teases.

"Like this."

Sophia puts more pressure on Rappa's shoulder forcing him to kneel before her. He struggle to try to stand but her grip and strength prevented him from going any higher than his current stance.

"Now what do you need to say?" Sophia taunts.

"Fuck fine," Rappa responses.

She applies more pressure.

"Look here, Tony likes to break spirits while I like to break bones. Now say it right before I lose my patience," an annoyed Sophia states.

"Alright. I will not curse infront of the kid. Happy?" Rappa shouted

She releases him.

"Good. Now lead us in Jeeves."

"I really hate you kids."

Rappa led the hunters, heiress, and heroes in training to the dinning hall. There the hunters were greeted by the Yaoyorozus.

Man says, "Greetings. Devil May Cry agents, daughter, and their friends."

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