Chasing A Demon

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A girl jumps out of her bed. The girl moves to grab a doll that looks like a little version of herself.

She makes her way out of her bed. She walks towards a dresser to obtain toy modeled after herself. 

A girl is walking through a mansion.

She moves around her home. 

The girl is at awe at the stone-masonry that run along the walls. The girl is at amazed at how large wooden door is. The child feels cold each time her bare feet touch the marble flooring. 

She is amused by how intricately designed sliding paper door. She skips across the tatami flooring. The sound of cicadas buzzing in the air invade her ears. 

The girl moves around while dragging the doll across the floor.

She holds a doll dressed like her close to her chest. 

The girl stops when she spots a creature made of smoke and red light. 

She spies an unknown being made of dark fumes and crimson radiance.

The girl had never seen such a creature before.

She had never interacted with a such a being.  

With the glee that only a child could have, the girl runs straight at it. 

With the curiosity that only a child could possess, she makes her way to the being.

When the girl arrives to the creature, the girl can see how injured the creature was. 

When she approaches the being, she learns how pained the being was. 

The creature growls at the girl.

The unknown being snarls at her. 

The girl jumps back before running away. 

She moves away from the being and flees the scene. 

The creature tries to move away but collapse.

The being attempts to escape but trips. 

The creature, desperate to escape, crawls leaving a path of blood. 

The cautious being drags its damaged body, leaving a trail of blood.

The creature stops when the girl appears in its path. 

The being halts when it notices her looking down on him. 

The creature slashes at the girl. The girl ducks.  

The being attacks her. She dodges the strike. 

The force of the attack injures the creature more, causing it to fall on its back and pants in pain. 

The momentum of the missed strike aggravates the wounds on the being. Blood spurts from its wounds.

The creature looks at the girl. 

The being eyes her. 

The girl moves closer the creature. 

She approaches the being. 

The creature had a look of defeat in its eyes. 

The being's eyes had acceptance written on them. 

The girl is just a step way from the creature. 

She is now in front of the being. 

The creature looks away, trying to ignore its end.

The being closes its eyes, in attempt to not see its demise. 

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