Let the Patients Rest

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Tony walked through the portal. Everyone was shocked to see as him as he was covered in cuts and bruises. Even his mask was torn up.

"Hey, Tony did you go back and finished the job," Mirio asked.

Tony summoned a scythe.

"This is their Alpha. Does that answer your question?" An annoyed Tony asked.

Taking the hint Mirio backed up.

"So how is she baachan?" Tony asked Chiyo.

"She has a broken arm, a spinal injury, a concussion, there is a nasty bit mark on her..." Chiyo was saying till Tony rushed towards Momo.

He checks her and finds a bite mark.

"Fuck. Fuck. God Dammit," he shouted.

Chiyo smacks him with her cane but he remained unaffected.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked.

"Did anyone one else get bit?" Tony asked the group.

"I phased every time their teeth came close but I got scratched a few times," Mirio responded.

"I activated my quirk and they dented it but didn't break through the skin," Tetsutetsu answered.

"That deodorant you gave me made it so they couldn't smell me so they couldn't find me. And when they got close I flashed them," Hagekure said.

"I was just fast enough to dodge their attacks and one shot them with Gilgamesh," Rappa stated proud of the fact.

"That's good so the problem is contained. Now how are her parents going to take this," Tony said.

"Damn it. I'll be back I need to make a few calls," Tony said as he left the room.

Outside room.

Tony pulls out Yamito and makes a shortcut to his room. Once in his room, he makes his first call.


"Heeeeyyyyy. Aunt Trish. How are you?" Lucius asks.

"Okay how royally did you screw up?" Trish questions.

"Well no one died. At least. Nothing more than a few scratches and a bite," he replied.

"Sounds not too bad I guess," Trish shrugs off.

"Normally yes but the problem is what did the bitting and who got bitten," he told her skirting around the issue.

"Enough games. Tell me exactly what went wrong," she ordered.

"So invited some friends to a hunter mission thinking that if we worked together we can easily pass it with minor injuries. It was supposed to be a stealth mission but we had to fight Lycanthropes. Yuzuki and Momo were the only badly injured," Tony answered.

"Now that's bad. You got your women hurt but I still don't see why you had to call me."

"I was getting there. Normally I would just feel bad for a while but it turns out that one of the Lycanthropes may have bitten Momo."


"Aunt Trish."

"How long has it been since she has been bitten?"

"Less than an hour ago."

"Okay any other injuries."

"Broken arm, spinal injury, and a concussion."

"What kind of Lycanthrope bit her?"

"Most likely a beta weakened by silver or maybe an alpha."

"Okay I got good news and bad news."

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