Hero's Plan

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A boy is walking alone in a forest. He cries out for his mother. He moved his tired, little legs in hope that he can find her.

He pushes aways twigs, shrubbery, and branches away. He doesn't react to the forest reacting back, striking and hitting him back.

He is covered in leaves, cuts, and his own blood. But he marches on to find her.

Even when he felt like he had been walking for hours, he continues.

It was when the day went dark and cold, did he find her. There in an small grassy plain was his mother. Just standing basking in the moonlight.

Joy filled the boy's heart and giving him more energy, he runs towards her screaming for her.

She turns around and smiles at her son. She runs to hug her little man.

When he was just steps away the moon became red, giving the world cursed hue.

The woman stop her movement, she looks down and sees a dark purple energy blade in her chest. The holder of the blade was the demonic form of Lucius.

The demon pulls the blade back as a light covered in black flames comes out of the cold body of Lady.

It laughs at the sight of the corpse.

The boy runs at the demon.

The boy turns into Lucius, before his fight with Mei, and punches the devil its his Devil Bringer. Only for it to be blocked by a massive wing.

The demon laughs at the strike. Lucius gets slapped away by a tendril. Lucius crashes into a tree.

Using the astral arm he tears out a tree and flings it the demon. But the demon wasn't there, it was behind him.

It uses its lower wings to strangle Lucius.

"You know I wanted to be the one that kill her," the demon spoke.

"You stabbed her," Lucius counters.

"Poor boy. You forgot. Don't you remember it was your blade that killed her not mine," the demon says with a smile.

In Lucius's left arm, Curroptora dripping wet from blood was present.

Lucius wanted to drop the blade in disgust but the blood on it turn into chain and wrap round his wrist.

Lucius was swinging his arm not to harm the demon to get the blade off of himself.

The demon begins to laugh.

"Admit it Izuku. You purposely killed the woman," the demon taunts.

"I would never kill my mother," Lucius retorts.

"Yet the blood on your hands says other words. Admit it. You knew, deep down, that the feathered bitch was your mother. You sensed something similar in her demonic energy yet it felt different to that of Nero and Sophia. We demon can sense those of the same origin. If she wasn't of Sparda's bloodline, your paternal lineage then it must have been from your maternal lineage," the demon taunts.

Lucius became quiet.

"What no comeback. Where is that quick wit the Sparda bloodline is know for. Maybe you are truly are a Yagi," the demon whispers.

Lucius silver hair begins to darken.

"You are nothing more than that pathetic quirkless child that deserved the hatred, the dehumanization those creatures gave you.

Maybe she knew you were going to kill her just like how she killed her father.

Hahahaha. We are so pathetic," the demon laughs out as his wings begins to release tears.

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