Differences of Generations

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Lucius is seen messing with his Unholy Locks. Once done he places them back on. He turns around to see some familiar faces.

"Aurora... Roket.... is that you?" Lucius asks.

Roket fires again only for the bullet to stop as it is covered with Lucius's demonic energy.

Lucius grabs the bullet.

"Silver bullet laced with holy water and wolf's bane. I see that Nico finally trusts you with the good stuff," Lucius jokes.

The girls glare at Lucius.

"Who are you?" Aurora questions.

"And don't act like we are familiar with one another," Roket orders.

Lucius places a hand on his heart.

"Oh, my heart. I used to train these brats and they forgot all about me," Lucius cries out dramatically.

Himiko, Lèmèi and Zìyóu laugh at his corny acting. Mary walked her way to Latte who was ignoring the act.

Lucius summons Agni and Rudra.

"Why do you have them?" Roket shouts.

"Traitors," Aurora yells.

"Fools!" Agni and Rudra announce.

"We have just one master," Agni declares.

"The young master," Rudra exclaims.

"Lucius Ann!" both shout to the heavens.

Lucius smacks both of their heads against one another.

"And that is why I left you behind," Lucius reminds them.

"Sorry," Agni and Rudra apologized.

Himiko covers her mouth to hold on to her laughter.

"Okay, these guys are my favorite Devil Arms. They are funny," Himiko giggles out.

"Thanks," the Devil Arm twins accepted with grace.

Aurora and Roket were about to shout their denial but a third intruder came to attack Lucius. Lucius summons the Devil Sword Lucius in a burst of flames and ice to block the blade strike.

"Bastard," Nero shouts.

"Where did everyone's manners go?" Lucius jokes but then his tone gets serious, "Ladies take the kids and escape while I take care of my cousin."

Himiko grabs the hybrids while Latte holds Mary tight. They spread their wings and rocket away.

Lucius and Nero break their blade clash against one another.

"So you have returned. And you didn't think it was a good idea to say hi?" Nero questions.

"Our family's usual greeting ends with someone stabbed in the chest. And I couldn't risk that at that moment," Lucius deadpans.

"Cheeky brat. So those are your new girlfriends and your daughter," Nero says, fishing for information.

"Let me correct you. They aren't my girlfriends. They are my fiancés," Lucius states.

"And they are?" Nero asks.

"Would you believe me the one holding my daughter is Latte?" Lucius jokes.

"Shit, you didn't kidnap her?"

"Nope. She followed me when I asked her father for help. Asshole nearly killed me," Lucius replies.

"I bet. And the other one."

"My other childhood friend, Himiko. With Latte's help I made Himiko into a full demon," Lucius reveals.

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