The Meeting

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The next morning, Tony woke up late. He had a massive hangover.

"Damn you Inferno. You are Devilishly good but I have to pay the price for drinking you," Tony said out loud.

Then he felt arms hug him. He would normally bat the arms away but he knew their touch.

"That's why I told you to limit yourself when you drink it. But admit it you had fun last night," Yuzuki teasingly said.

"Not as much fun as you will be having right now," Tony said as he got on top of her.

"Wait Tony, they might hear," Yuzuki warned.

"Let them hear. The yokai princess scream in ecstacy," Tony whispered in her ear.

"Not funny. Those can only be heard by my bed warming partner," she said a little annoyed.

"Your right. I have to monopolize that music," Tony joked. "Agni. Rudra."

"Yes. Sir Tony."

"Seal the room. Let no one in or let any noise out. Till I say so."


The room began to glow blue.

"Done. Have fun."

"Where were we?" Tony said as he began to kiss her nape.

"Wha.. what...aaaaa...abo...mmmm out....mmm... Mei," she managed to get out.

Tony stopped.

"She and I have a thing where we can get with other as long as we trust them. And you are someone I truly trust," he tells the yokai.

"I know about your thing with Mei but I don't want to get in-between that," Yuzuki says.

"It won't be a problem. She knows you wouldn't do that. Plus that didn't stop you before. I still remember that night. Moonlit. Plenty of sake. Cherry Blossoms scattering in the night. You being unable to remain in a single form for too long."

"Stop. I didn't know her back then. And you didn't seem like a convincing boyfriend. I thought you were playing hard to get."

"Right. I just natural tend to flirt with pretty girl. But did you notice I rarely touch any girls beside you, Mei, Sophia, her mom, both Nicos, Nemuri-neesan and Momo?"

"Wait really," Yuzuki says shocked. She thinks about it, "You are right. At most it's a hand shake or you carry the if it's an escorted mission."

"Yeah. Plus, Mei would say if you can take my heart you can have have it. But if you break it she will break you. And I feel the same for her."

"You two really love each other."

"More like we are dependent on each other."


"I hate humanity. I don't hide it. The only reason I protect them is due to it being a family business. No more, no less. She can not be called normal. The nicest way to put it us by saying she thinks outside the box."

"That's one way to out it."

"Yeah. But she is a nice girl. Had it not been for her I might not be here. I would either be dead, some human's plaything, or being a mindless killer."

"Wow. Now I wish my clan had found you when you were younger. You would not had to live like that."

"Thanks. Well let get ready for the day. We still have classes."

"Classes can wait. Let's have some fun," she says as she drags him to bed.

"Didn't you just say you didn't want to hurt Mei?" Tony asks.

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