Down Memory Lane

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Lucius, Mei, and Nezu wait for the smoke to clear. Once it did they removed their masks.

"Wow Mei that stuff really works. It even got the clown to power down," Lucius said.

"He looks like a mummy. Remind me to stay away from the juice," Mei joked.

"You don't look surprised?" Nezu asked.

"No, I simply don't care. Though I would have prefer he was in full health," Lucius said.

Nezu looks at him funny.

"I mean what point is there to breaking what is already broken."

"You really have no desire in becoming a hero. Do you?" Nezu questions.

"Not in the slightest. All the good I've done was accidentally or done for selfish reasons," Lucius states.

Nezu looks down.

"I wonder how does my old room looks?"

Mei holds his demonic arm.

"You don't have to go there."

"I know but there are somethings in there I want to get back."

Mei gives a confused look but nods nonetheless. The two head there. Mei tightening her grip as they walk.

Nezu followed closely behind.

They walked through the building. Not saying a word. Mei looked at every direction trying to analyze every section of the hell Lucius once lived in. It looked peaceful but she knew better. Her experience as a Hunter gave her knowledge others wouldn't know. Like how even a peaceful place could hold dark secrets. She detested every moment in there.

Lucius on the other hand had no care for the place. Not hate or joy could be visible on his face, just indifference. He just looked forward. Not bothering to look for differences from his memories. He just wanted to get to his destination. And he had two in mind.

Nezu was just obversing the two. He could tell the two had history regardless of their status as a couple. Even if Lucius had two other girls with him he purposely only took Mei with him. There must be a reason. He took Yuzuki and Momo when he went to torture Inko. He thought maybe Lucius just wanted her to be there when Mikua was ruined. But why would he still want to be here? What was different now?

Then Lucius stopped. He looked at the door.

"Well its the moment of truth," Lucius says as he opens the door.

It revealed a room filled with old junk, dust, and cob webs. As if the room was had not been touched in years.

"I guess it became a storage room," Mei said.

"Well it always was. It was never meant to be room for some one to live in. That was why it became my room. I mean who could live in a completely sealed room," Lucius said.

Nezu entered the room. He was amazed to see that the boy was forced to live in a room too small for a human to be in.

"So this was your cage," Nezu said, remembering his time when he was being experimented on.

"Ha. Cage is the best way to describe this room," Lucius replied.

Mei grips his hand tighter. Lucius rubs his human hand on Mei's face. She nestles against his hand. She looks into his eyes. He gave her a soft smile.

Lucius then pats Mei's hand to let go of his. She reluctantly let's it go. He gives her a warm smile as he walks into the room.

"Yet you still stand as a man. You don't have the look of a person who hated this room. Why is that?" Nezu asks.

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