Devil Arm Hunt

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Todoroki is rocketing out of the alleyway. But just before he could make it out, rubble on the floor causes the ice sled to jump into the air.

This caused him to lost his balance and fall of his creation. The ice was headed towards a woman. Before it could hurt her, she sent out green flames from hair to cut the icicle in half.

"Wow Shoto. I know I'm a hot head but there is a better way to tell me to cool off. Ha," the woman said.

"Oh, Burning its you. Good," Todoroki says trying to catch his breath.

"Wow Lil-Shoto you look like shit. What did you fight Stain or something," Burning ask with glee in her voice.

"Not exactly."

Burning's smile shifted into a serious one.

"What do you mean?"

Todoroki points at the icicle. Burning turns to see Stain trapped in wire and ice.

"Holy hell you captured Stain. Your daddy is going to be so proud," she says wiping a fake tear.

"Wait you said you didn't exactly fought him," she says as she bend in an odd angle to look at Shoto.

"That's because I didn't fight Stain. I only distracted the guy who beat him. He even tortured my classmate," Shoto said as he points the second half of the ice.

Burning rushes to see the other icicle half. She saw Iida and his stab wounds, bruises, and his neck. It was then that Burning stop trying to be energetic.

"Okay Shoto. What happened?" She demanded.

"I will on the way to father," Shoto answered.

"No, now Shoto!"

"No. I only put a barrier infornt of him. He can easily go around it. We need to get to that man if we want a chance to survive. And I mean survive, not win," Todoroki reveals.

Burning then hits her communicator to inform Endeavor of Stain's capture and of the powerful target. Endeavor gives her a meeting point.

Burning and Shoto drag Iida and Stain towards the randevu point.

River is currently being held upside-down by his wooden bondage. He stares at a man that appears to be made of wood

"Great another newbie. What do I need to do to finally move up as a threat," River jest.

"Take this seriously, punk," the man yells.

"I could but can you make me. Well, can you twiggy?" River jokes.

"It's Kamui Woods," he shouts tightening his grip.

River looked unaffected.

"Look here. Oh great and powerful Splinter, either put me down or you will wish you never became a hero," River promises with a dark smile that was begging for the wooden man to test him.

Kamui slams River into the ground repeatedly. River just laughs. This only pisses off Kamui Woods more. Kamui only stops when River stops laughing. Kamui lifts up the man to see if he is finally out cold.

"Are you done?" An annoyed voice said.

This shocked Kamui.

"How are you still okay after that?" Kamui asks.

"I guess you are just too weak. Not even worthy enough for me to dirty my hands. Blood-goyle," River states.

The Blood-goyle launches itself at Kamui Woods's face, cracking his mask. Kamui swings River at the creature.

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