Operation Strider

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Fāng Fāng, Táng Táng, and Kaina are enjoying drinks as Lèmèi and Zìyóu play with Mary. But their enjoyment was cut short when a whip destroyed Fāng Fāng's drink from his hand. Táng Táng creates a barrier to block the winds from affecting her and the kids' enjoyment. Kaina unbothered just stood her drink.

"Oh come on girls. You aren't even trying to hit me. And you almost hit our host," a male voice taunts.

"Screw you, Lucy," a female voice calls out.

"You promise," Lucius counters.

"Enough! Flirting you two," a second voice calls out.

"You are free to join in, Latte. But you have to hit me first if you want to choose how," Lucius taunts.

It has been a month since the Hybrid mission. And three weeks since they took down the traitorous Jade rabbits.

That mission was too easy for the group. The jade rabbits weren't trained to be warriors. The guard that cheap shot Lucius was one of four combatants the Jade rabbits had. Lucius killed one by sneaking up on it and snapping its neck. Himiko drank its blood till it was nothing more than a husk. Latte knocked hers out with a single punch, lucky for that rabbit he had Latte as his opponent. Though he could only drink his food for a month. She didn't know how to control her strength. She really wanted to meet her trainer even if she still fears the man.

With the fighters gone, Lucius created a barrier and let Himiko make the negotiations. She scared them that the Jade Rabbits offered up the traitor tied up and blood from their firstborn. Lucius and Latte had to stop the Jade Rabbits from completing that request.

They presented the traitor and her acolytes to Méi Lín. They were punished by taking a pill that destroyed their souls.

Méi Lín while sad, gave Lucius and his girls a smile and gave him the medical book.

Latte swings Feng Bo with all her might. Winds slash their way towards Lucius. Lucius smiles. He slams his fist down as ice forms to block the winds.

"Gotcha!" Himiko shouts as she strikes with Kurama.

Lucius catches the whip with his left hand. With a rough pull, he sends Himiko flying at him.

Lucius lowers himself. Once Himiko gets close enough, Lucius jumps up with a rotation and his right fist up aiming for her gut.

Himiko barely managed to avoid direct contact with the strike by twisting her body. She managed to avoid direct damage but was blown away by the force.

She couldn't control her fall. She slammed face-first onto the floor.

Himiko passed it from the damaged.

Worried Lucius approaches Himiko but moves his head as Feng Bo manages to cut his right cheek. Lucius smiles.

"Okay, that is enough. Latte you won and Himiko is passed out," Lucius shouts.

Latte catches Feng Bo as it returns to her, the moment she catches it she collapses onto her back.

"Ha... how.... can.... you..... st.... ill.... move?" Latte asks between breaths.

"Training. Experience. And rapid recovery," Lucius answers as he moves towards Himiko.

He bites his wrist as blood begins to ooze out of his fresh wound. He pours the blood into Himiko's mouth. Himiko wakes up trying to latch onto his wrist but Lucius pulls back.

"Sorry, Himi but Latte won the bout. She managed to cut me," Lucius says as points at the drop of blood on his right cheek.

"Boo. I want a rematch," Himiko shouts as she waves her hands in the air.

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