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It's been two months since Devil Never Cry was formed. Lucius noticed he was getting low on funds and found it appropriate to have the group take on missions. They ended up taking two big missions and a few minor missions.

The first one was commissioned by the Cult of Sekhmet. They were not a cult to worship Sekhmet but a cult meant to keep her dormant. To do this the cult would produce one of the greatest liquor ever known with a blood-like color.

They would produce vast quantities of the liquor and leave it in her sleep chamber. In her stupor, Sekhmet would drink the beverage believing it to be blood for her appeasement.

They moved the goddess into a pyramid hidden under the sand. It is a complicated tomb, its design is made to slow her escape if she ever awakes, and full of traps. The only direct route to her is the pipe that pours in her alcohol.

Sadly, a traitor destroyed the stores of alcohol. And managed to harm the brewers. The traitor even allowed outsiders to enter the tomb to greet Sekhmet.

The cult sent a member to find a hunter to defeat Sekhmet and those who wish to awaken her.

By chance, Devil Never Cry was in the African branch of the Network. Himiko wanted to do the mission when she heard of Sekhmet's epitaph, The Bloodthirsty. She was hoping to get blood-based Devil Arm from her.

Lucius asked the rest of the group. Lèmèi and Zìyóu didn't want to go into an underground tomb, afraid of being buried. Lucius understood and left them to babysit Mary.

The cult handed Lucius a map. He redrew the map so that the traps were not shown. Lucius decided to use this mission so that the girls could detect traps. He did this for the first quarter of the trip.

Latte took the second quarter. She tripped a few traps. Himiko took the third quarter and she tripped only two trap, which she tripped on purpose.

After some backtracking, puzzle-solving, looting, killing some demons, and Lucius and Latte gained a Devil Arm each before they reached Sekhmet's chamber.

Himiko decided to take on Sekhmet alone. She took off her Holy Lock so that she could use her full power. 

Himiko summoned the bloodthirsty Devil Arm, Himiko Ann to fight Sekhmet.

Sekhmet had the upper hand at first but as the fight went on Himiko was winning. The battle was essentially won when Himiko activated her Devil Trigger.

Himiko's skin turned a tanned color. Her blond hair turned a dark red and had the appearance of sharp tendrils. Some of her hair covers her missing eye. Her sclera turns into a cloudy black. Black armor covers most of her body. Black metallic thigh-high, high-heeled boots with blade edges of the shins cover her legs. Her inner thighs are fully exposed. A piece of armor covers her honey pot. Her right boot covers up to the side outer thigh but her left boot has her outer thigh exposed. A segmented armor shields her back and the sides of her breast so that it appears that hands are holding them. A clawed gauntlet protects her left hand up to half of her forearm. On her right, the gauntlet fully covers her right hand and forearm, it also covers the outside of her arm, and three spikes surround her shoulder. The right gauntlet has a bright red jewel and her personal Devil Arm is fused into and the blade tip exits at her elbow.

(Witchblade Bitches. Google it with anime and first form to get an image of it. But make sure you Google it alone.)

Lucius couldn't help but whistle at her look. It didn't help that her ass was fully exposed. Latte smacks Lucius for being a pervert. Lucius counters by saying her Devil Trigger is barely more covered than Himiko's.

Himiko blitzes Sekhmet. Sekhmet has five claw marks etched across her torso. Himiko licks her bloody left gauntlet.

Himiko giggles at the taste of Sekhmet's blood. Himiko moves her hands across her exposed skin.

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