Big 3 vs. Demon Hunters.

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"So any questions?" Tony asks.

"Your other associates described their demonic clarifications but you have yet. What are you hiding you demonic spawn?" Ibara questions the demonic male.

"Forgive me Madonna. I am a Class III Hybrid. We are rare. So a Class III is the offspring  where any of the classes a above it mate with a separate demonic classification. Like Yuzuki described herself as a yokai. In my case I am the offspring of a class I, my father, and a Corrupted, my mother. A corrupted is where a human is either or unwillingly converted into a Demon. There are various methods for this with different levels of success. My mother was unwilling turned into a Corrupted," Tony says.

"How do you know Momo?" Jiro asks.

"Simple. As she has said her family sponsors our company. So they rang up my cousin and asked to hire someone to be her bodyguard and trainer for a year and pay them an ridiculous amount of money. And I was chosen for two reasons. First, I spoke Japanese and know most of the customs and second I am about the same age. So me being around Momo wouldn't look out of place. Other than my mask does anything really stick out about me," Tony asks.

"You are hot," Setsuna shouts.

"Why, thank you my lovely little lizard," Tony says with a wink.

"Then we meet the annoying blonde over there," pointing at Monoma, "at a party. He demanded a dance with Momo. She refused. I stepped in to separate him from her. He challenged me to a fight. He lose easily. And I tossed his ass into the trash. As far as I can tell he hasn't matured or learned how to talk to women in a pleasant manner."

"How strong are you, really?" Mirio asks.

"If we are talking about our group. Then I am second. First is Sophia. Then, Kinari. Followed by Yuzuki. And lastly our weapon artist. Why do you ask?"

"Let's fight," the blonde says getting into fighting pose.

"Is this allowed principal?"

"Sure," Nezu says as he jumps off a chair. "Let's go to Gym Gamma."

"Do I have to? I was hoping to do something after this class," Tony whined.

"You are under contract. Plus I still have  yet to see your abilities," Nezu says.

"Fine..... but he has to team up with a member of each of the first year classes.
One under Aizawa-sensei's and Vlad-sensei's tutelage," Tony offered. "And Sophia and Kinari have to do the same. With the other seniors."

"Oh. Oh that sounds like fun. I want in. Come on. Come on. Principal," Nejire says jumping up and down.

"I don't want to be the center of attention," Tamaki says.

"Come on Tamaki. You can show our kohais your greatness," Mirio states

"Come one don't be a chicken. Chimaki," Nejire teased.

"Okay. Just stop putting me the center of attention," he begged.

"Good. Let's get this done," Mirio decrees.

"Wait," Nezu shouts, "Hunters you are not allowed to use your weapons designed to kill."

"Okay. We weren't planning to but can you make us some replacement. A staff will suffice," Sophia states.

"Well then let's call Mei she must have some non lethal weapons for to use and some gear for them to use," Tony said with a smile.

"I agree," Sophia said.

"Well I'm not fighting. I will be on stand by and observe the fights," Yuzuki informed the group.

"That is acceptable," Nezu states.

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