Results, One Last Test, And New Members

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The weekend was a horrible time for many of the students, mainly those of the night test. Unlike those of the first three tests, the students weren't given a direct answer if the student pass or fail. It was grating on their nerves to those that awoke after the test had ended.  

To make matters worse for them, the other test takers were not allowed to talk about their test. They couldn't even reveal the fate of those that were absent from the during the weekend.

Setsuna was bashing her head for walking into the alley without scanning it. To take her mind out of it she would either go to Kendo to ask embarrassing questions about Kinari. It sooths Tokage's soul when Kendo gave a violent twitch when she asked Kendo about Kinari's size. Kendo chased Setsuna from breakfast till dinner. 

Then there were cases like Mina. She was beating herself up for letting Komori to fight Ibara on her own. Mina could still hear the painful cry Komori released when Ibara ended her assault. How she wanted to talk to Toru, Yuzuki, or Sophia but couldn't. She wasn't allowed to talk to Toru. And Sophia and Yuzuki were nowhere to be found. What made it worse was that Komori was still in the nurse's office till the day before back to class. She stewed in her thought to the weekend. 

Shinso was in a similar yet not as the same level. He did not know if he displayed enough to be permitted to pass. But he got over it by catching up with some well needed sleep. 

Then there are those that thought like Kirishima, the ones certain of their standing. He knew for a fact he failed. He spent his time thrashing about in the school's training area. Kirishima would picture the face of the muscle-bound Yokai, the hetero chromatic red devil, the sassy blue demoness, the snow whore, that infernal babysitter, and any other demon associated with the group. 

But what got on everyone's nerves was the displacement of some of their classmates. The mystery of their absence was torturing their minds. 

Once it was time for the students to return to the hero class, the mood in the room was somber. The mood become cold when Aizawa and Vlad entered the room.

"Good you guy were already prepared for our arrival. That is a good sign of your improvement," Aizawa says with a cold yet had a kind underlining tone.

"Well kids we have the results of your finals," Vlad announces.

"Wait sir. Shouldn't we wait till everyone is present-kero?" Tsuyu questions.

"Those absent but one has been expelled from school," Aizawa coldly states. 

"HUH!?" the class shouts.

"You mean everyone from the first three test lost a student each. Wait one is safe which one?" Awase shouts.

"Yokaze Yagi and Minoru Mineta have been expelled from the hero course and this establishment. Yokaze once again has tried to kill someone, thus she was removed. She has been black listed from all hero schools. And to no one's shock, Mineta has tried to sexually assault the female proctor. He was soundly beaten by her husband. But his actions were inexcusable. While for Mineta it is possible for him to go to another school, granted if he takes therapy to remove his perverted tendencies. Don't expect to see them anytime soon," Aizawa explains. 

"Ibara is not expelled.... yet. She is being punished for her actions during her exam portion," Vlad states.

"What did she do? What is her punishment?" Kendo asks.

Vlad starts to answers with, "Well, due to her extreme faith..."

"Fanatic," Aizawa corrects, "fanatic nature."

"Grrr... Due to her fanatic nature, she attacked her proctor with the intent to kill. Though, Tsurara-san claims that she didn't care about that. What really pushed the proctor and the faculty, is the fact that she attacked one of her classmates. To punish her, Tsurara took the girl to her home with a quirk dampening collar. Where Ibara is force to take care of yokai children. Though the yokai have made accommodation to help the girl train," Vlad states.

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