Contract Complete

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Lucius had woken up to the sight of Latte and Himiko by his sides. He had a smile but it changed into a sad one. He was questioning if he didn't just make a rash choice.

But those thoughts vanished when Latte and Himiko began to wake and kiss him.

He lets out a sigh.

"I love you girls but just be wary that I might be able to fully show it. So, please be patient," Lucius tells the girl.

"You aren't going to get rid of me," Himiko teases.

"You and I have sunken our fangs on one another. And I don't let go of my prey," Latte says seriously before giggling.

"And my greed prevents me from releasing the jewels of my eye," Lucius states.

The girls smile.

"Now, let's shower. I want to see my daughter and I don't think that it would be a good idea to smell like sex when I meet her," Lucius informs the girl.

"Yeah, fun in the baths!" Himiko cheers.

Lucius chops her head.

"Bad, Himi," Lucius teases, "We can do that later."

Himiko sticks out her tongue.

"I have to agree with Lucius, my bum still feels sore," Latte comments.

"Okay let's see if the onsen is open," Lucius points out.

"Yeah," both girls cheer out.

After an hour the group finishes their bath and are in new clothes.

Lucius just wanting to relax is in clothes just without his jacket and vest. He didn't tie his long hair, he left it in a loose free style. Himiko is wearing a pink shear shirt and black bra, red mini skirt, black stockings, and red running shoes but what caught his eye was the silver bracelet that is wrapped multiple times around her right arm. Latte is in a white, loose-fitting shirt, denim shorts, and pink tennis shoes.

The three make their way to where Fāng Fāng, Táng Táng, and Méi Lín are located.

"I see you had a fun time," Táng Táng comments as she sees both girls walking funny.

"Tsukune and Moka are going to kill me," Fāng Fāng comments.

"Ask me for any medication if you need it," Méi Lín teases.

Moka blushes while Himiko gives out a bright smile.

"A gentleman never kiss and tell. But I see that Himiko is good that means that most of my payments have been sent here," Lucius points out.

He then turns to Himiko.

"Which devil arm did you take?" Lucius states

Táng Táng answers that question, "We used Muramasa. Demitri had a negative reaction to her. But Muramasa resonated with her."

Lucius turns to Himiko.

"How did it change?"

Everyone looks at him.

"Muramasa is a Devil Arm like Sparda's three swords. They contain demonic power but they do not possess a soul. I ask because when Dante absorbed the devil Sword Sparda and Rebellion, they transformed into the Devil Sword: Dante. Therefore, Muramasa no longer exists only the Devil Arm Himiko."

They were all shocked to hear that.

"How do I summon it?" Himiko begs to know.

"It is simple. Feel for your soul. You are going to sense a mass of power. Grab it and pull it out into the physical world," Lucius informs her.

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