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Earlier on the day of the meeting.

Lucius is carrying a sleeping Mary with Fāng Fāng and Líng Líng by his side. Hearing movement, Latte walks out of her room wearing nothing but a red nightgown and massive bed hair.

With a barely awake voice, she asks, "What are you guys doing?"

"Moring, Latte," Fāng Fāng responds.

"Aren't you cold?" Líng Líng giggles out.

Latte looks down, and to her horror notices what she is wearing. With an eep, she slams the door shut. After a few seconds comes out in a robe while fixing her hair.

"Did we disturb you?" Lucius questions.

"No, I was just waking up?" Latte shyly answers, "but you didn't answer my question."

"We are going to meet with the heads. And I was going to hand Mary over to Táng Táng to take care of her," Lucius informs her.

"I can take care of Mary," Latte offers.

"Are you sure? I mean Kaina had trouble with Mary. And I feel it would be asking too much to have you take care of Mary," Lucius deflects.

"Are you thinking I want to use your daughter to get you back?" Latte huffs out.

"Latte, you ditched your family to follow me to China. A boy who took advantage of you in his moment of weakness. What should I think of your actions?" Lucius inquires.

"I left my family because of what they did to you was too much. This was the first time I had the courage to go against them. I followed you because we never spoke about what happened. And we have yet to do that even now. I thought after the plane ride you would have been more open to having a conversation but you have been avoiding me or found someone to divert my attention to," Latte counters.

Lucius looks away.

"Look at me. What are you afraid of? Just like you say I'm not one of your exes," Latte asks and reminds him.

Latte noticed the hurt in his eye when she asked that question. Before she could say sorry, he was gone and Mary was in her arms.

"He seems sensitive," Líng Líng giggles out.

Fāng Fāng pulls his sister's cheek.

"Enough sister. Your teasing has its limits," Fāng Fāng reprimands his older sister.

Líng Líng playfully bumps her head with her fist, winks, and sticks out her tongue.

Not having it, Fāng Fāng pulls her ear harder.

"Take care of yourself and the baby, Latte. I will inform my wife about the situation," Fāng Fāng waves off while pulling his sister away.

Latte hugs Mary. And to her surprise, Mary hugs back. She returns to her bed and sleeps with Mary.

Latte wakes up later to Mary slapping her.

"I'm up. I'm up," Latte mumbles out.

Mary makes baby noises.

Latte gets closer to her.

"Are you hungry? Or," Latte sniffs the air, "Need a diaper change. Definitely, the diaper."

After a quick changing Mary and putting her in a new onesie, a vampire one.

'Why did Kaina-san buy so many different demon onesie?' She thought to herself.

Kaina apparently in her baby supply run just grabbed a couple of Halloween onesies. There was a werewolf one, a witch, a werecat, a Frankenstein, the devil one from before, and the current vampire one.

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