Training Trip Begins

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Aizawa was not having a good day. He and Kan were forced to pick up the students that went to I-Island. The students had a look of defeat on their face. But Aizawa found it weird that the Yagis, Katsuki, and Sophia were absent. 

It was later that Aizawa asked Shoto about the events of I-Island. Shoto stated everything in a neutral tone. How they met a person who went by Datsueba Grozdan or Dan for short, who was dating Melissa Shield, daughter of David Shield. How this Dan person met with him and Inasa with Ashido and Hagakure. How they accidentally got him injured.

Aizawa was about to tell his student about how reckless that was, but was stopped by Todoroki and told his teacher to let him finished before being judged. Aizawa begrudgingly nodded to his student's request. 

Todoroki continued his story. How I-Island was taken over during a party. Dan and Melissa convinced the UA students to climb to the tower. 

Again, Todoroki had to ask Aizawa to wait till the end for him to reprimand him and his classmates. 

Todoroki informed Aizawa how if they managed to get either Melissa or Dan to the security system, they could reboot the systems and flush out the villains. But the plan was mostly to be a stealth mission. 

Aizawa had to nod at the fact that would have to be best, as all the pros were restrained. 

Sadly, no plan escapes intact after first contact with the enemy. Even more unfortunately, his first opponent was Yokaze. She just snapped, so he and Inasa chose to fight her. Todoroki informed his teacher that Yokaze was arrested, and their fight was put on the internet. 

Before Aizawa could react, Todoroki continued his story. After a nap, Todoroki and Inasa used the elevator to reach the security room, only to find Dan's cold body. 

Aizawa was going to comfort his student, but stopped when he noticed the rage in his student's eyes. 

Todoroki then tells him how he and Inasa went to the roof only to be knocked out the moment they took a step out. He states he was informed that the one that knocked out the two was Dan or who was really Gorr River. The same River that killed Lucius. The bastard had faked his death and was working with the villains to steal some data and inventions from I-Island. River and Sophia fought. At first, it seemed like the two were even but leaned more towards River's side, but as the fight went on, Sophia was winning. He woke up when an armored demon fell and reverted back into River with a demonic Sophia hovering over him. Every student had a demented smile to see Sophia about to end River. Only for River to turn the situation around by crushing a glass vial filled with some sort of liquid which caused him and Sophia pain but more to Sophia. River then grabbed Melissa and vanished. He later found out that River had killed the villain leader.

It took Aizawa a while to full process the information. 

Aizawa placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder and states, "You and rest did a good job. Your group was in a bad situation, and you did the best you could have done. It was unfortunate that you had to deal with an ex-demon hunter. But one more question."

"Yes Aizawa-sensei?"

"Where is Bluegrave?"

"Oh. She took the loss the hardest," Todoroki states. 

"Understood. Tell your classmates to rest for the day, but to make sure they have their bags packed for their own training trip," Aizawa ordered. 

"Hai sensei!"

'These students were going to have a tough couple of weeks,' Aizawa thinks as he leaves his students.

"I'm impressed you didn't yell at the students," Vlad points out.

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