Team: Devil Never Cry

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Lucius, Latte, and Himiko made their way back to the mainland. Lucius hands the girls each a blood bag that he found in the Humarise compound.

"Aw.... man. I was hoping for more of your blood," Himiko whines.

"Sorry, but I can't produce the amounts of blood to constantly feeding you two. You will have to wait for tomorrow," Lucius reveals.

"Booo. Then I want first dibs. Latte must have gotten her fill when she was with you," Himiko demands.

"Are you okay with that, Latte my dear?" Lucius asks.

"For six months."




Latte sighs.


"Yes!" Himiko cheers, "And I want two dates a month for six months."

"Fair. So what now Lulu?" Latte inquires.

"For now collect the kids. Some fun. Some punishment. Then we are going to get you hunter licenses," Lucius informs them.

Himiko looks excited while Latte looks worried.

"Um. What about my family? You know they are going to block me from getting my license," Latte states.

"In Asia. I was planning on going to the European branch specifically the Vatican division," Lucius states.

"Ah. The church just the thought burn. They aren't going to splash me with holy water?" Himiko jokes.

"You know no religion has any power over us, right?" Lucius asks.

Himiko looks at Latte.

"Oh we hate garlic, silver gives us a rash, we need to drink blood, and water is our weakness. But holy iconography dies nothing unless a powerful seal master makes the item with the symbol," Latte explains.

"So there is no such thing as holy water or weapons?" Himiko questions.

"Oh they exist," Lucius states.


"They are just a bitch to make. And they target demonic energy, not the body. So there are two ways to survive it. Have a large amount of demonic energy to withstand it or be a partial human and expend most of your energy before they hit you. And since we are still considered part human the effects are lessened. Just that if you see someone about to active it it best to not be transformed," Lucius answers.

"Why did it sound like you know from experience?" Latte inquires.

Both Latte and Himiko glare at Lucius. Lucius looks away.

"Because I experienced it."

The girls glare at him harder.

"Well, half of that. I was low on demonic energy when I was fighting my sister who was in her Devil Trigger. She was blown out of the roof," Lucius answers.

"Wait! You have a sister!?" Himiko blurts out.

"Um. She is actually my cousin's daughter. She is the same age as me so it's less confusing in public if we refer to one another as siblings," Lucius states, "Wait didn't you watch the UA Sports Festival?"

"Nope," Himiko says popping the p.

"Of course. Anyways let's go," Lucius says.

Himiko summons Cavaliere-R. Latte sits behind Himiko, and Lucius summons Fēng Huǒ Lún. They make their way to Rudy's home.

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