Death of a Family

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A rare warning: Implied assault will be mentioned late in the chapter, and it will not be given much detail. Followed by torture.  You have been warned.


The group steps through the portal.

"Good to see you are back, Lucius and company but to end this I required you to free Tsukune," Allen states as he points at the frozen Tsukune.

Latte shifts her gaze from her father and to Lucius.

"You froze my father?!" Latte scream asks.

Lucius shrugged.

"He was acting like a child," Lucius answers.

Latte rolls her eyes but smiles.

"Ah hum," Allen coughs.

Lucius summons blue flames in his left hand. He forces his hand into the ice and grabs Tsukune's throat. With a yell, Lucius unleashes a torrent of flame.

Tsukune attempts to attack Lucius but Lucius slams Tsukune into the ground.

"Accept defeat with some grace," Lucius orders.

Tsukune looks around and sees various leaders look at him with pity or disgust. Tsukune had no choice but to accept defeat.

"And as victor, I release your daughters' from my bonds as long as you follow through with my demands," Lucius declares.

"You can't force us to do anything," an awake Moka snarls out.

"True. I can't force you but don't forget we signed a contract," Lucius says with a smile.

"Where I," Allen says.

"And I witnessed," Fāng Fāng finishes.

"And as they are equal to your position to force you to commit to the penalty," Lucius snickers out.

"And what example will you be showing your daughter by acting like this," Latte says with a pho horror.

"Yeah. Now where is my crown?" Himiko demands.

Lucius and Latte begin to laugh.

"You know she doesn't have a crown right?" Latte informs Himiko.

Himiko let out a gasp.

"But my crown," Himiko whines.

"I told you to take her title but noooooo. You wanted a crown," Latte complains.

"I'll get you one later," Lucius promises. 

Himiko fist-bumps the air.

"If you wish you will be given the title of vampire queen in your license and recorded in the Network library," Allen adds.

"Mwah ha ha. Fear me the new vampire queen: Himiko Ann," Himiko demands.

Lucius moves to her and whispers something in her ear. Momo flinched and Himiko has a dazed smile.

Lucius moves towards Rikuo.

"I hope this is enough to pay for my exit from your clan," Lucius says with a bow.

"You have given my clan a great boon, I have no problem with you leaving my clan with no bad blood between you or my clan. But do be wary of Tsurara and Yuzuki," Rikuo informs Lucius.

"Oh, can I request you to contact Akifusa Keikain-san for a commission? And push the bill to Dark Lord Moka," Lucius inquires.

"I believe he would be happy to create you a new item. He did enjoy making your previous weapons. Just make sure you have proper materials," Rikuo states.

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