Side Mission

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Five days have passed since Tony learned his real name. And not much had happen since. The only thing of interest was the fact that two of the four idiots were currently missing.

Aizawa was livid at the audacity those two had to ditch his class. It wasn't until Wednesday did he learn of their whereabouts. They had been detain by the US border patrol for illegal crossing and threatening an officer. All Might had to pull some string to get the two out of trouble and back home.

The hunters couldn't contain their laughter when they learned of Tony's actions.

Katsuki and Seishirou wanted to attack Tony but they were on thin ice as it is.

Aizawa and Vlad walked infront of the class.

"Okay class we have important news," Vlad states.

"What now?" a student cried out.

That comment caused a few to worry.

Aizawa stared at the class as he a Glace at them with his quirk active. They quieted down right away.

"Good, as Vlad was saying, the important new is that as previously mentioned about 2 weeks ago the sports festival is coming. As for the next 2 weeks there will be no classes. This is to ensure that you have enough time to train to improve yourselves. Then the event will be held on Wednesday. Giving you about 17 days to get ready. On that note, hunters you are allowed to enter but you are not allowed to use weapons."

"Okay!" The four shouted.

"Wouldn't want to accidentally kill some one," Tony said, "But if sis and me fight one another can we use our weapons."

"Hmmm. I'll run it by Nezu first," Aizawa said.

"Run what by me," a voice calls out.

Nezu walks into the room.

"Hello Nezu sir," Vlad and Aizawa say.

"May I know what the inquiry was," Nezu asked.

"We wanted to know if it's okay if we used our weapons if and only if me and my brother fight each other," Sophia asks.

"Sound like a good show. I will allow it in that situation. As you would be the only ones to survive such a battle. And I bet the viewer would love it," Nezu states.

"Oh can I keep my mask. I don't like being seen on camera," Tony asked.

"Of course. As long as it doesn't boost your ability or such," Nezu informs the Demon hunter.

"It does has a filter in it. But I can just change it for a regular mask," Tony shrugged off.

"Excellent. Now I must go. Good luck first years you are going to need it," Nezu says as he walks away cackling.

"Okay class. That is all you are free to go. Prepare. Don't forget this is a good chance to be scouted by proheroes. So make a good show. Though that will be a tough order," Aizawa said crypticly as he and Vlad left the room.

"Cool two weeks off. Now we can do some real jobs," Tony shouts.

"I know. The local jobs we have been doing are so boring," Sophia cried out.

"Yeah a change of scenery would be good," Yuzuki added.

"I need a real fight," Kinari continued.

"Daaa!" Nico shouted.

"Don't worry I already have Morrison on the line," Tony states already calling Morrison.

As they were about to leave five student walked up to them.

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