How a Few Word Can Ruin a Life

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A now four-year-old wakes up and jumps off his bed. He does a few quick stretches. Then he looks at his alarm clock.

"Hmmmmm. It's 6:30. I might as well wake them up."

Izuku walked out of his room and walks into another room. He knocks on the door. He hears stirring but no response. He lets out a sigh and walks in.

There slept his younger sister Yokaze. A four-year-old, green-haired girl. She had messy hair, vibrant sky blue eyes, and a smile that could melt anyone's heart. She is a naturally curious child. She would spend most of her time with Izuku, she feels safe around him. He would protect her from any that would want to harm his innocent little sister.  And they have the same habit to observe and record their observation.

But now this girl appears as if she had fused to her bed. Her hair covered her face and pillow. She was hugging a green bunny. But was even more shocking was the fact that she was immersed in various stuffed animals.

"Imoto, wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"You say that now but you are going to repeat that till noon," Izuku complained.

He began shaking her, only for her to throw a random stuffed animal at him. Just his luck a bird with a plastic beak.

"OW!" Izuku shouted. "You know what I'm just going to ask mom to cancel your quirk test then."

"Hmmmm.......... Wait quirk test!? Quirk test. Yeah, today is our quirk test. Get out so I can change Izuku-Aniki," Yokaze shouted at her brother.

Izuku quickly left the room. But stuck close to the door so he could shout, "Yo-chan when you are done go wake mom and dad. I go wake up ototo."

"Ooooookaaaaaayyyyyy~ Just hurry. I want to know what my quirk is," she exclaimed.

Izuku just sighed and walked off. He heads off to his younger brother's room. He knocked on the door only to hear a thud. Izuku opened the door to see his little brother's face implanted on the floor with his legs still on the bed.

Yokaze's twin younger brother, Seishirou. He was a blonde boy with green eyes. His hair was straight with two portions of his hair sticking up into the air just to make a sharp turn down, just like his father. You would think he styled his hair that way but no it was natural.

He was an energetic boy. And hate how his big brother constantly bested him in every aspect. Learning how to read, climb, and get their parent's attention when he did something. But was still happy to have him as a brother, who would defend him from bullies.

"Oh good, you are up or should I say down," Izuku said, a little too happy about his pun.

"Jerk," Seishirou said under his breath. "Are you going to stand there or help me?"

"And stop you from doing things yourself. Naw, I'm good."

"But you help sis all the time," he huffed.

"Yeah, but she is sensitive. While you act like a brute," Izuku quipped back. "Anyways get ready for breakfast. We have our quirk test today. Or you can ask mom and dad to schedule it on a later date for you."

"Quirk test!" he said as he jumped up and kicked his brother out.

"And he called me a jerk," Izuku exclaimed. He sighs then heads over to his parents' room.

As he arrived he could hear the comical sounds of his sister trying to wake up their parents and then asking for five more minutes.

'Hmmm. They must have had a busy night working as heroes,' the boy thought to himself.

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