Blood and Memories

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Toga wakes up in River's arms. Both we simply sitting on the ground. She was wrapped in his arms. He somehow held her while holding a blade in each hand. She nuzzles his arms. Even asleep, Toga could feel his possessive nature. It gave her a warm feeling, to know there is someone out there that doesn't see her as a monster.  

She began to reminisce about the how she first met Izuku and Mei. 

10 years ago. 

Himiko was crying in a trash riddled beach. The urges her quirk was feeding finally erupted. She found a kitty bleeding. It was meowing in pain. Himiko lifted the poor cat and took it to a vet. Himiko showed the vet the cat, to which the vet immediately took the cat. Himiko walked away, her good deed of the day done. She walked home. It was when she at the door that Himiko notice the blood on her arm and sleeves. Her mind demanded her to drink the blood on her hands. Dry sticky blood on ran from her palms down to her wrist. 

She was going to lick it off but it was then that her father opened the door. He frowned at the sight of his daughter covered in blood ready to lick the crimson liquid. He swiftly slaps her. 

Himiko froze from the sudden shock of being slapped by her father. Her face burned from the pain. It pulsed reminding her of her father's distain of her.

"You disgusting brat. What have we told you about your putrid quirk? You are never to let it control you. You have to control it. Why couldn't you be normal? Why did your mother give birth to vile thing like you," her father shouted. 

Himiko ran. Crying at the words her father. She didn't hear her father demanding her return. She just ran and bawled her eyes out. Even the adults around her said unkind words at the girl. 

She just wanted to get from it all. She somehow ended up at a beach. She must have followed the sounds of waves crashing. 

But the beach was like her life one massive disapoinment covered in trash. 

She was about to cry again till she heard an explosion. Toga looked up to see a black smog going into the air heading towards her. She moved out of the way. A small crash came from where she once was. 

From the crash site, sat a boy around her age coughing. He jumped up to dust himself. He was a young boy close to her age. Shaggy green hair, a cute face she couldn't get enough of but there were two things that caught her eyes. The scar that ran across his face and his eyes. She had never seen eyes so vibrant green and red. It was like staring are a polished emerald and ruby. But thoughts were cut short when he began to yell.

"Damn it Mei. I told you that crap was leaking something. Yet you had to throw more metal on top of it!" the boy shouted. 

"Sorry!" a feminine voice shouted back at him, "You okay?"

"I'll live," the boy shouts. 

He leaned back and spots Himiko. 

"Sorry about crashing in," he joked. 

Himiko rolled her eyes at how cheezy that line was.

"What is a pretty thing like you doing in this garbage dump of a beach?" he says with a smile. 

Himiko looked away to hide the rapidly forming blush.

"Ah ha. Is that a smile I see? Its so cute," he teases. 

Himiko turns around. She moves her left foot in a playful manner and flashes her fanged smile. 

"Those are pretty," he calls out.

Himiko blushes harder from him commenting on her fangs. She hides her blush by covering her face with her hands. It was then the cat's blood stuck to her face. 

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